bowe bergdahl

Why is Obama obsessed with springing terrorists from Gitmo?

Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, for whom President Obama traded five top Taliban figures, is now facing court-martial on desertion charges. Meanwhile, a terrorist the president sprang from Gitmo in 2012, Ibrahim...

Bowe Bergdahl's lawyer is really pissed with Donald Trump

WASHINGTON — The attorney for Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl lashed out on Tuesday at Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and congressional committees for peddling misinformation that he says is impeding...

Bowe Bergdahl to face desertion charge in court-martial

WASHINGTON — Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who was held by the Taliban for five years and freed in exchange for five detainees in Guantanamo Bay, will face charges of desertion...

Bowe Bergdahl wanted to be like Jason Bourne

WASHINGTON — An action movie played in Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl’s addled mind as he wandered from his Army base in 2009 and into the Afghan darkness — and that movie...

Is the Army whitewashing Bowe Bergdahl's desertion?

After a preliminary hearing, US Army officials are recommending Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl get off without jail time or a punitive discharge for walking off his Afghanistan military base in 2009....

Army officer thinks Bowe Bergdahl shouldn't go to jail

AUSTIN, Texas — An Army officer is recommending that Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl face a lower-level court martial and be spared the possibility of jail time for leaving his post in...

New 'Serial' podcast will take on Bowe Bergdahl case

The biggest podcast ever is back, and it’s set to be even more confounding and controversial than the first time around. The team behind "Serial" has been researching the mysterious...

Bergdahl wanted to expose dangerous problems in unit, investigator says

SAN ANTONIO — Bowe Bergdahl said he walked away from his post in Afghanistan six years ago because he thought he could bring attention to what he felt were serious...

Bergdahl platoon leader describes 'draining' search

SAN ANTONIO — Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl's platoon leader said Thursday that the entire platoon was left "emotionally busted" by the physically and emotionally draining search for Bergdahl after he...

Bowe Bergdahl to face WWII-era 'misbehavior' charge in addition to desertion

RALEIGH, N.C. — Military prosecutors have reached into a section of military law seldom used since World War II in the politically fraught case against Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, the...

As five Taliban officials walk free, Bergdahl deal stink grows

Come Monday, the five senior Taliban officials sprung from Guantanamo in the trade for accused Army deserter Bowe Bergdahl, could all be walking free. Free to rejoin their terrorist comrades...

Bergdahl left base with 'deliberate plan': NCIS report

A 2009 NCIS investigation into Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl’s activities while in Afghanistan reveals clear evidence that Bergdahl was “going over to the other side with a deliberate plan,” Lt. Col....

Inside Bowe Bergdahl’s captive hell

WASHINGTON — Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl spent his first three months in Taliban captivity blindfolded and “chained to a bed spread-eagle,” the accused deserter claims in a new account. His...

Bam's disastrous deals

The Army has now charged Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, swapped last spring from captivity in Afghanistan for five top Taliban commanders, as a deserter who endangered his fellow soldiers’ safety. Five...

Gitmo detainees traded for Bergdahl have tried to resume terror activities

At least three of the five Taliban leaders traded last year for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl have tried to plug back into their old terror networks, a government official familiar with...

Bowe Bergdahl charged with desertion, could face life in jail

WASHINGTON — Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, the Army soldier who spent five years as a Taliban captive, could spend the rest of his life in a US prison for abandoning his...

A few good men

Despite what Jack Nicholson told us in “A Few Good Men,” we can handle the truth. And, like Tom Cruise, we also think we’re entitled to the answers. We’re talking...

Army denies that Bowe Bergdahl is set to be charged with desertion

Former hostage Bowe Bergdahl will be charged with desertion, for allegedly leaving his base in eastern Afghanistan before he was captured and held for five years by the Taliban, according...

2014 is the Year of the Liberal Lie

Bowe Bergdahl. The IRS’s missing e-mails. Lena Dunham. “Hands up, don’t shoot.” Jonathan Gruber. GM and that faulty ignition switch. Andrew Cuomo and that anti-corruption commission. The Secret Service and...