
A-Rod Biogenesis timeline

The sequence of events in Biogenesis clinic/performance-enhancing drug scandal that led to Yankees third baseman Alex Rodriguez's banishment for the entire 2014 season: Jan. 29, 2013: Alex Rodriguez’s name is...

A-Rod suspended for entire 2014 season

The verdict is in: Guilty. Very guilty. Independent arbitrator Fredric Horowitz ruled Saturday beleaguered Yankees superstar Alex Rodriguez must serve a full-season, 162-game suspension — plus the 2014 postseason —...

A-Rod decision may come on weekend

Alex Rodriguez is likely to find out in the next few days whether his drug suspension will be overturned. People familiar with the case told The Associated Press on Friday...

Baseball's overrated and over-hated in 2013

Another year is nearly behind us, and at the risk of sounding like a grumpy old man, there's more urgency than ever to rush to judgment -- to strong judgment...

Top 10 MLB storylines of 2013

Such is the Yankees' mystique and aura that even in a year when the club missed the playoffs -- a wild, woolly and swashbuckling October that ended with a parade...

Team A-Rod wants battle out of federal court

Throughout his epic battle with Major League Baseball, Alex Rodriguez has eyed his own union warily. Now, in court documents, A-Rod’s lawyers have characterized his ties with the Players Association...

Decision due on A-Rod associate

A Manhattan federal judge could make a critical decision Friday morning regarding Alex Rodriguez’s appeal against Major League Baseball. Michael Sitrick, A-Rod’s former public-relations adviser, filed a response Thursday to...

Man arrested for burglary of A-Rod Biogenesis documents

LAKE BUENA VISTA, Fla. -- Police in Boca Raton, Fla., said Thursday they arrested Reginald St. Fleur, 20, and charged him with armed burglary of the documents that have become...

MLB insisting former A-Rod rep be held in contempt

Major League Baseball is playing hardball with Alex Rodriguez’s former public relations honcho, filing legal papers Wednesday demanding he be held in contempt of court for refusing a judge’s order...

A-Rod hearing not over quite yet

Alex Rodriguez’s appeal hearing against Major League Baseball isn’t quite as over as we thought, as there is still a factor in play that could determine both his future with...

Report: A-Rod called PEDs ‘food’

Alex Rodriguez used the term “food” in text messages as code for performance-enhancing drugs, Biogenesis founder Anthony Bosch told Major League Baseball officials, according to New York magazine. In a...

Photo adds to A-Rod's Bosch cocaine claims

The fate of Alex Rodriguez lies largely in the credibility of Anthony Bosch, so it’s no surprise Team A-Rod continues to pick at that scab. Rodriguez has acquired an affidavit...

Team A-Rod ready to dive into treacherous waters: a courtroom

He overcame a broken home, raised his industry’s salary roof twice, helped redefine the way we think about our athletes and, if Major League Baseball’s current allegations are true, repeatedly...

Shady tactics required to get drugs out of game

The most important issue that should come out of the Alex Rodriguez grievance hearing is not how long his suspension ends up being, but rather how far we want Major...

Attacking Selig a PR home run for Team A-Rod

Let’s begin with the understanding that this is all one big game. Drug tests? Suspensions? Appeal hearings? Games, games and more games. There are no good guys or bad guys....

A-Rod challenges Selig: 'This is personal'

Baseball’s king of chaos has raised his game to a new level. Alex Rodriguez nearly broke Twitter on Wednesday when he stormed out of his appeal hearing at Major League...

Judge orders Rodriguez PR maven to testify

Alex Rodriguez struck out in court on Tuesday when a Manhattan federal judge ordered the scandal-scarred star’s former public relations honcho to testify in arbitration to decide A-Rod’s 211-game doping...

Former flak's testimony could link A-Rod to docs leak

Major League Baseball’s Park Avenue headquarters never is boring when Alex Rodriguez is on the 29th floor, fighting his 211-game suspension. On Tuesday, however, the most important action might have...

Report: MLB knew documents were stolen; Team A-Rod giddy

Alex Rodriguez’s camp pounced on a report that alleged Major League Baseball officials “likely” knew they were purchasing stolen documents in pursuit of Rodriguez and other players. ESPN’s “Outside the...

Team A-Rod may put Selig, Yanks president on the stand

ORLANDO, Fla. — The Alex Rodriguez camp, never short on ideas, energy or mischievousness, is cooking up a new scheme that will raise the ire of his rivals in the Appeal...