bill bratton

Ex-NYPD commish Bratton: NY is 'a mess and going to get a lot worse'

Former Police Commissioner Bill Bratton slammed city and state leaders Monday for abandoning cops and helping create a “crime virus” to go along with the coronavirus in claiming innocent victims....

Ex-NYPD top cop slams 'criminal justice reform virus' plaguing NYC

The Big Apple isn't just battling coronavirus -- it's ailing from state criminal justice reforms too, former NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton said Sunday. While the city and the state struggle...

Progressive lawmakers keep feeding 'the crime virus' 

No less an authority than former NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton warns that the Legislature’s failure to truly fix last year’s botched criminal-justice reforms has set the city up for big...

Bill Bratton warns NY could face 'crime virus' over bail reform bill

Former NYPD Police Commissioner Bill Bratton warned that New York could face a “crime virus” thanks to the state legislature’s bungled overhaul of the controversial bail reform bill. “They are...

NYPD pushes back against facial recognition ban

A state lawmaker's call for the ban of police's use of facial recognition is facing unsurprising public push back from New York City law enforcement — with one former NYPD...

Media gives Speaker Nancy Pelosi a free pass: Devine

Have a look at a magazine stand and you’ll see a wall of liberal women. Elizabeth Warren smiles from the cover of Rolling Stone. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is on the front...

Ex-NYPD commish rips bail reform: 'What the hell were they thinking?'

Former NYPD Police Commissioner Bill Bratton became the latest critic to slam the new lax bail laws, calling the statewide criminal justice reform "a disgrace." "What the hell were they...

Lawyers accuse NYC of withholding evidence in lawsuit over racist arrest quotas

Lawyers for an NYPD sergeant suing over allegedly racist arrest quotas claim city lawyers are doing all they can to stonewall his discrimination lawsuit -- including withholding evidence and trying...

NYPD brass tied to bribery scandal were forced to take fall: suit

Four former high-ranking NYPD cops who were forced to retire amid a bribery scandal filed a federal lawsuit Monday alleging they were denied due process to protect Mayor Bill de...

New York needs a serious debate before legalizing marijuana

With legalization of recreational pot a central part of Gov. Cuomo’s agenda for the first 100 days of his new term, the rush is on — no matter if that’s...

Former NYPD top cop Bill Bratton not sold on recreational pot

Former Police Commissioner Bill Bratton said Sunday morning that the state will be "opening up Pandora's box" if marijuana is legalized. "At this particular time, I still strongly oppose it....

A fare-beater crackdown is just what New York needs

On a breezy fall day in 1990, New Yorkers descending into the subway for their morning commute witnessed an unusual sight: Some two dozen men and women lined up on...

Bill Bratton may be called to testify in NYPD corruption trial

Mayor Bill de Blasio will not be called to testify at an NYPD bribery trial — but his former police commissioner could be. Manhattan federal Judge Gregory Woods on Monday...

Whistleblower dishes on NYPD turning blind eye to drugs, hookers

Soon after Sgt. Steven Lee was assigned to the 109th Precinct in Queens, he realized some of the cops there were oddly protective of “the karaokes.” These gaudy nightclubs of...

Bratton rips Trump over plan to arm teachers

Former police commissioner Bill Bratton called President Trump’s proposal to arm teachers “the height of lunacy,” in a blistering series of Tweets Thursday afternoon. “Proposals to arm American teachers are...

NYPD official planned to frame officer for rape to cover up scandal: cop

A police sergeant says the NYPD covered up the most damning allegations in its embarrassing 2015 karaoke bar bribery scandal including a plan to frame a commanding officer for rape....

Bill Bratton issues dark warning on looming terror attacks

Suicide bombings like last week’s Port Authority attack will explode in frequency and become “a fact of life in America” — especially New York City, former NYPD commissioner Bill Bratton...

NYPD needs to replace 36K useless smartphones

The NYPD has to scrap the 36,000 smartphones it gave cops over the past two years because they’re already obsolete and can’t be upgraded, The Post has learned. The city...

Bratton: There's no easy fix for Chicago's crime rate

Retired NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton said Sunday there’s “no quick fix” for Chicago’s horrific murder rate and handed out blame to just about everyone involved in policing the Windy City....

NYPD surgeon 'abused' parking privileges to attend Broadway show

A part-time NYPD surgeon and pal of ex-Police Commissioner Bill Bratton has lost his parking privileges pending a probe of possible abuse — for the second time, officials told The...