Betsy DeVos

Biden's new Title IX rules prove it’s time for the DOE to be DOA

Biological males in girls’ bathrooms and dorms? Sanctions if you don’t use somebody’s preferred pronouns?

Biden’s new Title IX revisions are a repulsive attempt to erase biological truth

The Biden administration has announced plans to kneecap lady athletes — introducing sweeping, radical changes to Title IX.

Law student accused of beheading girlfriend was touted as #MeToo 'victim' by Trump admin

A former San Francisco Republican official who was touted as a so-called victim of the #MeToo movement by the Trump Administration has been charged in the brutal butchering of his...

Shun Randi Weingarten as the monster she is

Make no mistake: This woman should be shamed entirely out of public life — ousted from any and every government position, and from any role in her party and union....

Why Betsy DeVos thinks Joe Biden 'sexually harassed' her under his Title IX rules

"He came up to me, put his hands on my shoulders, and his forehead on my forehead for several seconds and had conversation with me," DeVos told Megyn Kelly on...

Biden wouldn't survive his own rules for sexual misconduct accusations

It’s worth reminding people that if President Biden were compelled to live by the standards he intends to institute for college students accused of sexual misconduct, he would be presumed...

Will Biden's team go along with killing another year of standardized testing?

Education Secretary-designate Miguel Cardona will soon face a tough decision: Does he let states like New York get away with using the pandemic as an excuse for canceling federally required...

Jumping ship: here's who's resigned from the Trump administration in wake of Capitol riot

There's been more than a dozen White House resignations since Wednesday, when hundreds of violent, pro-Trump rioters vandalized the halls of Congress, threatened lawmakers and left five dead. Most of...

Betsy DeVos resigns, citing ‘unconscionable’ DC riot

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos resigned on Thursday, citing the “unconscionable” riot that caused widespread destruction at the Capitol a day earlier. DeVos, who said the unrest was the tipping point,...

Betsy DeVos extends student loan relief until end of January

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos on Friday extended the suspension of student loan payments until the end of January. Borrowers haven't had to make student loan payments since the Trump administration...

NYC must downsize its government and other commentary

Budget expert: NYC Must Downsize Its Gov’t With tax revenue down sharply thanks to the pandemic, Yankees president and former labor commissioner Randy Levine, at Empire Report New York, sees...

AOC rips Betsy DeVos for calling free education a 'socialist takeover'

DeVos slammed proposals by the incoming Biden administration to make higher education free and to forgive existing student debt in video messages during the Federal Student Aid office's virtual conference...

Biden reportedly to be tough on charter schools

Charter school advocates may not have an ally in President-elect Joe Biden or his Education Department. "He has been working closely with us over these last few months to listen...

Betsy DeVos' nephew Ben Wierda had some tight pants on 'Celebrity Family Feud'

Perhaps the show should be renamed "Celebrity Family Lewd."

Betsy DeVos' epic trolling of Princeton University serves a real purpose

Be careful how you pander to the mob: By confessing at length to “systemic racism” at Princeton University, President Christopher Eisgruber just bought himself a civil-rights investigation. The federal Department...

Princeton faces federal probe for admitting racism remains 'embedded' there

Princeton University could be forced to pay back millions of dollars in federal funding — and also be fined — over its president’s recent admission that racism persists at the...

DeVos to enforce standardized school testing mandates despite pandemic

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos said the Trump administration plans to enforce federal standardized testing requirements for K-12 schools amid the coronavirus pandemic, according to reports. DeVos told school leaders in...

Federal judge refuses to block campus sexual assault rules

WASHINGTON — A federal judge on Wednesday allowed the Education Department to move forward with new rules governing how schools and universities respond to complaints of sexual assault. The rules,...

DeVos declares students will return to class this fall

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos said she intends to have students back in classrooms this fall.

Teacher's union boss throws cold water on return plans

Randi Weingarten, the president of the American Federation of Teachers, said there's "no way" schools across the country could reopen this fall because of a lack of federal funding.