
Hillary Clinton's most repugnant lie

Liar, liar, pantsuit on fire: Hillary Clinton still insists she didn’t tell the grieving families of the Benghazi victims that an anti-Islam video was to blame. Yet family members say...

Hillary Clinton's million little lies

To hear Hillary Clinton tell it, she was named for Sir Edmund Hillary, the conqueror of Mount Everest — even though she was already 6 years old when he made...

Hillary Clinton's rogue agenda: Why Sid Blumenthal matters

After the media inexplicably dubbed Hillary Rodham Clinton the “winner” of the Benghazi hearings, her apologists dismissed a line of questioning into her unofficial adviser, Sidney Blumenthal. So he was...

Benghazi hearings show that Clinton lives in a bubble of deniability

In the 2008 campaign, Hillary Clinton asserted that she was the candidate best equipped to take a 3 a.m. phone call. What she didn’t tell us was that her number...

Obama fuels the flames of the anti-cop movement

At a White House discussion about improving the  relationship between police departments and  black Americans, President Obama declared that “the moment is here.” He meant a chance for big change,...

Hillary takes victory lap following performance at Benghazi hearing

ALEXANDRIA, Va. — An emboldened Hillary Rodham Clinton took a victory lap Friday following her lengthy appearance before the House Benghazi committee as a new poll showed her moving ahead...

The real loser of the Benghazi hearings? America

The puerile fireworks notwithstanding, the loudest noise coming from the Benghazi hearing was a low hiss. It was the sound of air coming out of the Republican balloon. Yes, Hillary...

Hillary's horrid Benghazi-hearing howlers

Hillary Clinton’s testimony before the House Benghazi committee — a public hearing, at her request — produced more heat than light. Thank Clinton and committee Democrats, who were too busy...

Hillary wins -- theatrically -- in Benghazi hearing

After nine terrible months during which she made weekly gaffes and single-handedly elevated a gadfly socialist into a rival for the Democratic nomination, Hillary Clinton has had a fortnight any...

Clinton fights back in Benghazi GOP-led probe

Hillary Rodham Clinton came face-to-face Thursday with the Republican-led special investigation of the Sept. 11, 2012, attacks in Benghazi, Libya, hoping to put to rest the worst episode of her...

Mom of Benghazi victim rages: Hillary is lying!

WASHINGTON — Hillary Rodham Clinton’s allies took to the airwaves Wednesday with an ad accusing Republicans of “playing politics” with Benghazi, a day before Clinton was scheduled to testify about...

Hollywood Benghazi film sparks controversy inside Libya

BENGHAZI, Libya — Even before the film's release, Hollywood director Michael Bay's new action movie is stirring controversy among government officials and residents of Benghazi, Libya's second-largest city and the...

Benghazi chairman to GOP colleagues: 'Shut up'

WASHINGTON — The chairman of the House Benghazi Committee had a message Sunday for his GOP colleagues: "Shut up talking about things that you don't know anything about." Rep. Trey...

Huma Abedin testifies before House committee on Benghazi

WASHINGTON — Huma Abedin, a longtime aide to Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton, testified Friday before the House committee investigating the deadly 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya, as the...

Huma Abedin to testify privately for House Benghazi Committee

WASHINGTON — Huma Abedin, Hillary Rodham Clinton’s closest aide, will give testimony behind closed doors Friday at the House Benghazi Committee — just six days before Clinton herself. Team Clinton...

Democrats running interference for Hillary on Benghazi

Democrats are on the p.r. offensive against the House Select Committee on Benghazi — doing their best to smear its work ahead of Hillary Clinton’s Oct. 22 testimony. Great for...

Fired Benghazi staffer says probe 'hyper-focused on Hillary'

WASHINGTON -- A former staffer for the House Benghazi Committee said the investigation has turned into a political pursuit against Hillary Clinton rather than a fact-finding mission into the death...

Hillary's 'Hail Mary' hope to get past the email mess

In 1992, a popular Republican bumper sticker — the “meme” pre-Internet — read: “Annoy the Media. Re-elect Bush.” It was designed to appeal to conservatives who might be seduced into...

Hillary bashes GOP over Benghazi hearings in first national TV ad Hillary Clinton is releasing her first national TV ad to bash Republicans for their hearings on the Benghazi attack, accusing the GOP leadership of cynically using the tragedy for...

Hillary: I'm the most transparent candidate in US history

WASHINGTON — She deleted her emails, admitted she made a mistake in using a private home server and had to turn it over to the FBI. Now, Hillary Clinton is...