barack obama

Obama campaign official, wife killed in car crash

A former Obama campaign worker and her wife were killed in a horror car wreck in Southern California last week.

Nancy Pelosi yet again reveals Democrats' disdain for average Americans

Do Democrats have contempt for Americans who aren't part of the richest 1% or don’t live in cities on the coast?

Biden to hold star-studded fundraiser featuring George Clooney, Julia Roberts, Obama

Biden's June mega fundraiser is intended to grow the "significant financial advantage" the president's re-election camp has over former President Donald Trump, a Biden official said.

Insider reveals the secrets of the Situation Room — where high drama and low farce collide

In a fascinating new book, George Stephanopoulos focuses on the White House crisis center.

Don't buy the fringe anti-Ukraine myth about the run-up to Russia's invasion

Aaron Maté, who writes for the fringe conspiracy-theory website Grayzone, has recently become a favorite source for the far-right fringe of the MAGA universe.

How many campus protesters will turn terrorist themselves? Remember the '60s!

The chants and signs in support of Hamas are becoming increasingly dangerous and go well beyond supporting the people in Gaza, or even opposing Israel’s right to exist.

Barbaric anti-Israel protesters are causing mayhem at the gates of Columbia University

Absent a massive sea change, not just Jews but all Americans will bear the brunt of the ceding of schools to those who would destroy the very civilization from which...

Biden's new Title IX rules prove it’s time for the DOE to be DOA

Biological males in girls’ bathrooms and dorms? Sanctions if you don’t use somebody’s preferred pronouns?

National Archives was 'pissed off' trying to track down Trump's letters with Kim Jong-un, Obama and his hurricane map

The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) “most often asked about” Donald Trump's doctored map of Hurricane Dorian while seeking presidential records from the ex-commander in chief after he left...

Instead of pushing regime change in Israel, Biden should support it in Iran

The goal must be removal of the ayatollahs ruling and ruining Iran and making sure free and fair elections are held to replace them.

Blame Barack Obama for Iran's attacks on Israel and their bloody global price

Iran's recent attacks on Israel are the fruit of Barack Obama's disastrous foreign policy in the Middle East.

Biden's Middle East policy is beyond parody

That’s right. Israel has had more than a thousand of its citizens raped, tortured, murdered and kidnapped, it’s been subjected to a massive missile attack, and it’s being told to...

Israel & America need a Queen Esther endgame in Iran — empowering dissidents

Jerusalem, undoubtedly, will strike back at Tehran. It likely will be big, loud and intended to reestablish Israeli deterrence in the Mideast. But it must come with an endgame.

Net neutrality push is yet another big-government power-grab by Biden

With the swearing-in of President Biden's nominee Anna Gomez as commissioner last September, the Federal Communications Commission has the numbers to reinstate "net neutrality."

Left is still defending OJ because race is more important to them than justice

“O. J. Simpson clearly killed people . . . he murdered his wife,” admitted CUNY professor and frequent media commentator Marc Lamont Hill on his “official” YouTube channel after Simpson...

Keep an eye out on these big-money donors with the 2024 election approaching

Donald Trump’s relationship to the GOP donor class has always been fraught, but lately it’s getting less so thanks to Sleepy Joe Biden’s endless idiocy on a range of policy...

Barack Obama is back to his lies, Morning Joe smears Israel and more

Former President Barack Obama claimed that the Biden administration has had "record-breaking job growth."

Slain NYPD detective's wake gets politicized: Letters to the Editor — April 4, 2024

NY Post readers discuss Gov. Hochul’s controversial attendance of the wake held for slain NYPD Det. Jonathan Diller.

Biden skips NYC cop's wake for fundraiser: Letters to the Editor — April 3, 2024

NY Post readers discuss President Biden’s Manhattan fundraiser amidst the wake of slain NYPD Det. Jonathan Diller.

The utter gall of Biden's Democratic NYC gala as city mourns murdered police officer

Four presidents went to New York City last week. Only one paid his respects to a fallen NYPD officer. Was it Biden, Obama, Clinton, or Trump?