art briles

'Baylor football player beat me up three times -- and school did nothing'

This is a face of assault at Baylor. A graduate of the scandal-drenched university has gone public with the allegations of repeated domestic violence she says she made against a...

Baylor's sex assault 'report' doesn't actually exist

There is a reason the entire report into the Baylor sexual assault scandal hasn’t been released yet. There isn’t one. The law firm Pepper Hamilton, which was commissioned to independently...

Ken Starr recants Baylor story twice in disastrous interview

Ken Starr demanded transparency in the wake of the Baylor football sexual assault scandal. But, by the looks of a recent television interview with the school’s former president, he’s not...

Fired Baylor coach begins career damage control

Baylor coach Art Briles released his first public statement since being ousted from the position last week amid the school's handling of sexual assault allegations, admitting he "certainly made mistakes"...

Why it was so hard for Baylor to do the obvious with Art Briles

The only thing more astonishing than the rise of Baylor football was Baylor’s decision Thursday to fire the architect of that rise. Art Briles is out as coach after the...

Baylor players speak out against firing of rape-coverup coach

Baylor football coach Art Briles was fired in disgrace Thursday, cited for running a cesspool program that overlooked sexual assault complaints against players and in some cases willfully suppressed the allegations....

Baylor cleans house after bombshell rape revelations

Baylor has fired football coach Art Briles, admitting he failed to responsibly address the disturbing torrent of allegations of sexual violence by his players. Baylor's football program has faced mounting...

Baylor coach faces reckoning for program's covered-up horrors

If Art Briles survives this, he might be able to survive a nuclear apocalypse, as well. The head coach of Baylor’s resurgent football program faces mounting questions about his job...

The Jets and 7 other possible landing spots for Robert Griffin

Redskins coach Jay Gruden followed through after consecutive weeks of harsh criticism and benched Robert Griffin III. It’s difficult to imagine the first-year coach and his lightning-rod quarterback having much...

A-Rod's fighting-for-the-little-guy act is a farce

And so, my fellow American morons . . . These are extraordinary times, when highly paid athletes in big trouble hire legal and media management (public relations) teams to speak...