arab spring

Ex-House Dem bizarrely compares removing Biden from 2024 ticket to overthrow of Egyptian ruler during Arab Spring: 'Easy to knock people off'

"I don't think people would say Egypt has better leadership now than it did under Mubarak," Harman said, before quickly adding, "Not totally defending him either."

Bahrain’s long-serving prime minister dead at 84

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — Bahrain’s Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa, one of the world’s longest-serving prime ministers who led his island nation’s government for decades and survived the...

Ousted Egyptian president dead at 91

Before his removal in 2011,  Mubarak was a stalwart U.S. ally, a bulwark against Islamic militancy and guardian of Egypt’s peace with Israel.

Unpredictable Arab Spring 2.0 is sweeping North Africa

Arab North Africa is in turmoil, and Americans are too tired, disillusioned or self-absorbed to do anything about it. And that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. In Sudan, discontent has...

Viral photo shows hope as dictators fall in Sudan, Algeria

More than eight years after the Arab Spring broke out in the Middle East and North Africa, the autumn of the autocrats could be underway in Sudan and Algeria. Sudanese...

The final act of the Syrian bloodbath

The euphoric hopes of 2011’s Arab Spring soon collapsed into a long winter of blood and devastation. From the Middle East through much of North Africa, dictators fell, but societies...

Man arrested over T-shirt's slogan is freed two years later

CAIRO — An Egyptian youth arrested two years ago for wearing a T-shirt with a slogan against torture was released early Friday, his brother said. Mahmoud Mohammed Ahmed, 20, was...

Video of Egyptians giving condom balloons to police goes viral

CAIRO — A video showing a reporter and an actor handing Egyptian policemen condom balloons on the fifth anniversary of the 2011 uprising received more than 1 million views online...

Egypt warns against unrest on uprising anniversary

CAIRO — Egypt's president, speaking ahead of next week's anniversary of the 2011 uprising that toppled longtime ruler Hosni Mubarak, has vowed a firm response to any unrest. Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi...

Tunisian democracy group wins Nobel Peace Prize

OSLO, Norway — A Tunisian coalition of workers, employers, human rights activists and lawyers won the Nobel Peace Prize on Friday for pulling the country that sparked the Arab Spring...

Defiant Al Jazeera faces conservative backlash after Arab Spring

Al Jazeera, the Qatari-funded television station whose reporting of the 2011 Arab Spring uprisings won it millions of viewers in the Middle East, is defiant following a backlash by Arab...

The Egyptian military’s new power grab

So Egypt’s Gen. Abdul-Fattah al-Sisi managed to come in first in Time magazine’s online “person of the year” poll, his minions having evidently done a better job of spamming votes...

Tahrir terrors seen at close hand

Since the early 2011 protests in Cairo’s Tahrir Square, scenes of huge Egyptian demonstrations violently broken up by the authorities seem constant. That may be why the most powerful moments...

There's a bright side to Arab chaos - the Israeli Spring

Israel could be forgiven for having a siege mentality — given that at any moment, old frontline enemies Syria and Egypt might spill their violence over common borders. The Arab...