antonin scalia

Black Democrats pitch Loretta Lynch for Supreme Court

US Attorney General Loretta Lynch should be tapped to fill Justice Anotnin Scalia’s seat on the Supreme Court, urged members of the Congressional Black Caucus on Saturday. “She’s already been...

Abortion returns to Supreme Court altered by Scalia's death

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court challenge to a Texas law that has dramatically reduced the number of abortion clinics in the state is the justices' most significant case on the...

Republican eyed for Supreme Court: Keep me out of it

Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval, a moderate Republican, took himself out of consideration for appointment to the US Supreme Court on Thursday as Senate Republicans held firm to their vow not...

Bernie Sanders: Racism behind efforts to thwart Obama on Supreme Court pick

WASHINGTON — Bernie Sanders claimed that "racist efforts" are behind the moves to undermine President Obama. "What you are seeing today in this Supreme Court situation is nothing more than...

Supreme Court doctor: Scalia fought heart disease, diabetes

DALLAS — A letter from the Supreme Court's doctor says Antonin Scalia suffered from coronary artery disease, obesity and diabetes, among other ailments that probably contributed to the justice's sudden...

McConnell: Obama will not pick the next Supreme Court justice

WASHINGTON — Majority Leader Mitch McConnell emphatically ruled out any Senate action on whoever President Barack Obama nominates to fill the Supreme Court vacancy, an extraordinary step that escalated the...

Obama noticeably absent from Antonin Scalia's funeral

President Obama drew sharp criticism Sunday for failing to attend the funeral of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. “The president’s absence at Justice Scalia’s funeral is a slight to the...

Obama's rudeness hits new heights with Scalia, Schumer

Gratuitous. Nasty. Petty. Spiteful. Insulting. Just plain rude. When the rhetoric of a major party’s leading presidential candidate falls to this level, we should be scornful. So, how is it...

The odd parallels between Scalia and another Texas death conspiracy, JFK

Antonin Scalia’s death isn’t much of a puzzle. He was 79 years old and had heart disease. It’s no stretch to conclude he died in his sleep. But some people...

Antonin Scalia's funeral mass held in Washington

Mourners gathered Saturday to pay their final respects to Justice Antonin Scalia at the nation's largest Catholic church, where Washington Archbishop Donald Cardinal Wuerl drew chuckles when he said he...

Mourners line up to pay final respects to Justice Scalia

WASHINGTON — Dignitaries and tourists alike will flock to the Supreme Court on Friday to pay tribute to the late Justice Antonin Scalia. Scalia's casket will lie in repose in...

Scalia revealed his ideal replacement in 2012

WASHINGTON — Republicans clamoring for the next Supreme Court justice to follow in the ideological footsteps of Justice Antonin Scalia may have just found their road map. In a newly...

Scalia could have been poisoned: forensic pathologist

Lethal poisoning could have left Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s body in virtually the same condition in which it was found, a top forensic pathologist told The Post on Wednesday....

Obama 'regrets' his 2006 filibuster of Supreme Court nominee: White House

President Obama, who is demanding that Republicans vote on his nominee to replace the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, “regrets” his 2006 filibuster of a conservative nominee to the...

What it means for gun rights if Scalia's replacement is a liberal

This week, Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz warned that Antonin Scalia's death leaves us "one justice away from the Second Amendment being written out of the Constitution altogether." Although I...

Obama challenges Senate to give his Supreme Court pick a chance

WASHINGTON — Laying down a challenge to Republicans, President Obama called on the Senate to “rise above” the “venom and rancor” and consider his forthcoming Supreme Court nominee. “I expect...

Supreme Court drapes black cloth over Scalia's empty seat

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court chair on which Justice Antonin Scalia spent three decades pondering the nation’s weightiest issues was draped in black Tuesday. Scalia’s body will lie in state...

Replacing Scalia: The 'nuclear' reality behind Obama's empty words

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell committed a classic Washington gaffe the other day — by telling the truth: There’s no way the Senate will confirm anyone President Obama names to...

The peaceful way for Obama to replace Scalia

In Springfield, Ill., last week, President Obama commemorated the ninth anniversary of his bid for the White House. He admitted that one of his “few regrets” was his inability “to...

Jeb calls to block literally anyone Obama nominates for Scalia's seat

Jeb Bush on Monday called on the Senate to block anyone President Obama nominates to replace late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. A day after saying the Senate shouldn’t confirm...