angel ortiz

Stop-and-frisk poster boy busted for ticket scalping

His ticket has finally been punched! A poster-boy opponent of the NYPD’s stop-and-frisk program was busted by the feds in an elaborate ticket-scalping scheme — while on probation for an...

Stop-and-frisk poster boy sentenced to 5 years probation

A stop-and-frisk poster boy at the forefront of a pending federal lawsuit said Tuesday he wasn’t remorseful for selling tourists thousands of dollars in bogus Broadway and concert tickets after...

Alleged swindler in stop-frisk suit declines plea deal

One of the lead plaintiffs in a stop-and-frisk lawsuit against the city turned down a plea deal Thursday on charges he sold thousands of dollars in bogus Broadway, concert and...

Frisk teen mum at 'fake tickets' arraignment

A big-mouthed poster boy for the city’s anti-stop-and-frisk movement was suddenly tight-lipped at his arraignment on a grand-larceny rap in Manhattan on Sunday. Angel Ortiz, 19, was charged with grand...

Anti-stop-frisk poster boy arrested again

For someone who claims to hate being stopped by cops, he sure winds up in handcuffs often enough. The city’s poster boy against stop-and-frisk has been busted three times for selling thousands of...