andrew mccabe

Bernie's moment has come and gone and other commentary

Conservative: Why McCabe’s Account Is So Unbelievable Former acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe is having his moment in the sun, trying to sell a book with explosive allegations. But Quin...

The demented FBI bid to oust Trump

It’s too early to take away any clear lessons from the Trump era, except one: Whatever you do, never fire the FBI director. Yes, as president, it is fully within...

Andrew McCabe says Congress raised no objections to FBI's Trump probe

Former acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe said on Tuesday that he informed congressional leaders, including GOP Sen. Mitch McConnell and then-House Speaker Paul Ryan, that the agency was investigating President...

Lindsey Graham vows to probe Justice Department over Trump

One of President Trump’s most reliable Senate allies has vowed to probe whether Justice Department and FBI brass considered an “attempted bureaucratic coup” to oust the commander-in-chief. “I think everybody...

Trump slams McCabe for planning ‘very illegal’ act against presidency

President Trump lashed out at former acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe for his "many lies" and suggested McCabe and other top Justice Department officials acted illegally when they allegedly discussed...

Trump called ex-FBI head McCabe's wife a 'loser' over election letdown

WASHINGTON — In one of his first conversations with President Trump after becoming acting FBI director, the president asked Andrew McCabe about his “loser” wife. In a sit-down with “60...

McCabe: Trump wanted Russia probe in letter firing Comey

WASHINGTON — Former acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe said that President Trump wanted Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to mention the Russia investigation in his memo outlining why FBI Director James...

Trump trusts Putin on North Korea more than US intelligence: McCabe

WASHINGTON — Former acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe said in a newly released television interview that President Trump believed Russian President Vladimir Putin’s assessment on North Korea’s nuclear program over...

Testimony backs McCabe's claim of 25th Amendment talks against Trump

WASHINGTON — Congressional testimony backs up former acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe’s account that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein was talking to high-level officials about invoking the 25th Amendment to...

McCabe says Trump comments were taken out of context

Andrew McCabe on Friday denied that he knew of an effort to oust President Trump using the 25th Amendment, saying he never had “any extended discussions” about the matter and...

Why we should thank Andrew McCabe for his dishonorable service

Andrew McCabe is a national disgrace. He was part of the most corrupt and most partisan leadership team in FBI history and was fired for being dishonest under oath. And...

Andrew McCabe just exposed . . . himself

If President Trump and his more fervent supporters suddenly don’t sound so paranoid in their “deep state” conspiracy theories, you can thank former acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe for validating...

Andrew McCabe says DOJ discussed removing Trump from office

Andrew McCabe, the former acting director of the FBI, revealed in an interview that Justice Department officials grew so concerned with President Trump after he fired James Comey that they...

Trump: McCabe was a 'puppet for Leakin' James Comey'

President Trump unloaded on former acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe on Thursday, claiming he was part of the "Russia hoax" and a "puppet for Leakin' James Comey." "Disgraced FBI Acting...

McCabe says he launched probe into Trump after Comey firing

Andrew McCabe, the former acting director of the FBI, revealed he launched counterintelligence and obstruction of justice investigations into President Trump and his possible links to Russia after speaking to...

More proof FBI probe will likely reveal more than just leaks

It was discovered by others last week that James Baker, the former chief attorney at the FBI, was the subject of an investigation for leaking information to the press. That...

Goodlatte threatens subpoena if DOJ doesn't give McCabe memos

WASHINGTON – The chairman of the House Judiciary Committee threatened to hit the Justice Department with another subpoena if he doesn’t receive memos authored by ousted former FBI deputy director...

The 'deep state' leaves Trump with no good options

President Trump is not generally given to understatement, but he soft-pedaled problems at the Department of Justice. There is, he said Friday, a “lingering stench” there. A “stench” doesn’t describe...

Andrew McCabe is planning to release his own Trump book

Yet another insider tell-all will take aim at President Trump, as fired FBI Deputy Director Andre McCabe has scored a deal to publish “The Threat: How the FBI Protects America...

Trump orders FBI documents, texts from Russia probe declassified

President Trump on Monday ordered the Justice Department to release documents and emails from four former FBI officials and one current Justice Department official as well as documents that led...