andrea stewart-cousins

Robberies, assaults up in soft-on-crime NY Senate majority leader's hometown

Woke Sen. Andrea Stewart-Cousins has seen mayhem spike in her hometown, according to data obtained by The Post.

Hochul announces preliminary agreement on $237B NY state budget -- with new measures on shoplifting

The preliminary plan would also allow prosecutors to hit repeat retail thieves with felony charges, and includes measures to crack down on illegal pot stores and kick start housing production...

Hochul, legislative leaders come to initial agreement on landmark housing deal

Gov. Kathy Hochul and top state lawmakers struck a housing deal Friday, clearing a major hurdle for state budget negotiations that have dragged on nearly two weeks past deadline, sources...

Ex-gov. rips NY Assembly speaker for nixing plan to crack down on violent shoplifters

Ex-Gov. David Paterson rapped Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie for refusing to back Gov. Hochul's proposal to lengthen criminal sentences for violent shoplifters and other thugs who assault retail workers.

Licensed pot operators urge Albany to whack illegal weed peddlers

More than 100 operators and supporters of New York City's licensed cannabis industry urged the state Legislature to approve stiff laws to make it easier for Mayor Eric Adams' administration...

NY pols push to pad teacher, cop, gov't worker pensions -- and sock taxpayers with whopping $4B bill

The proposed change would instantly hit New York City taxpayers with $163 million in added annual pension costs, according to the Empire Center for Public Policy.

NY reparations panel members should resign over 'disturbing' antisemitic and anti-police views: GOP pols

Republicans in the state Senate demanded the resignation of 2 appointees to a new commission considering paying reparations for making biased remarks themselves.

NY reparations panel members blame whites for climate change, blast Sen. Tim Scott and want to defund cops

Ron Daniels and LurieDaniel Favors — both appointed to New York's commission on Reparations and Racial Justice — made several fiery statements including Daniels slamming black US Sen. Tim Scott...

NYC pols urge Albany to OK tax break for 'green' mandate that could cost co-op, condo owners $20K

As the Big Apple's already-financially-pressed residents flood members with complaints about how much more the regs will cost them, local pols are turning to Albany for help, seeking their approval...

Albany Dems want to scrap Hochul’s proposed education cuts, raise taxes on high earners

Democrats in the state legislature want to scrap Gov. Kathy Hochul’s proposed cuts to education funding -- and jack up taxes on New York's highest earners.

New York's racial reparations idiocy

NY Gov. Kathy Hochul's “reparations” panel launches and it's a guaranteed recipe for adding to racial divisions.

Gov. Hochul's reparations commission OK: Letters to the Editor — Dec. 23, 2023

The Issue: Gov. Hochul agrees to a commission to look at reparations for descendants of New York slaves.

Hochul's new reparations commission is a divisive lefty pipe dream

In short, the most powerful people in the state. All of them black. There to watch the governor sign a bill to study how disenfranchised black people are in New...

No, New York lawmakers shouldn't extend the unjust Adult Survivors Act

New York state is turning its back on the rights of the accused. 

Why Heastie & Co. are so proud of blocking new housing for desperate NYers

Carl Heastie and Andrea Stewart-Cousins double down on opposition to building new housing in the face of the New York housing crisis.

Another self-defense bust: Letters to the Editor — July 11, 2023

The Issue: A CVS employee who was charged with murder after he stabbed a shoplifter who attacked him. When will the New York state Legislature wake up and begin to...

Bronx pol admits fellow Dems went too easy on shoplifters: 'It's a real issue'

Democrats went easy on shoplifters instead of dealing with the theft epidemic during the 2023 legislative session, one liberal lawmaker who pushed for a crackdown admitted.

Adams warns NY state pols' inaction jeopardizes affordable housing growth

“This is not hypothetical — New Yorkers are going to lose out on affordable housing if Albany doesn’t act now; tens of thousands of apartments in projects that are approved...

Lawmakers are set to deal their final blows to NYers before leaving

No one's life, liberty or property are safe, they say, while the Legislature is in session. Good thing state lawmakers wrap up their session this week. Alas, they can do...

Dems' push to seal crime records: Letters to the Editor — June 2, 2023

State lawmakers are leaning towards approving a controversial "Clean Slate" legislation to seal criminal records for the vast majority of crimes once criminals serve their time.