andrea constand

Cosby accuser breaks silence on disgraced comedian's prison release

Andrea Constand has broken her silence about Bill Cosby’s release from prison, saying she felt “disgusting” watching him celebrate his sexual assault conviction being overturned.

Andrea Constand spotted for first time since Bill Cosby's shocking release

Bill Cosby accuser Andrea Constand has publicly surfaced for the first time since an appeals court moved to free her convicted sex attacker.

Bill Cosby cherry-picks assault accuser's quotes to back up claims of 'innocence'

Bill Cosby tweeted out cherry-picked quotes from accuser Andrea Constand to again claim his "innocence" and gripe about being a victim of the press.

Former DA defends Bill Cosby immunity deal behind overturned conviction

Despite the immunity deal, Cosby was charged in 2015.

'Disappointing': Bill Cosby accuser Andrea Constand slams overturned conviction

Andrea Constand slammed Bill Cosby's convictions being tossed on Wednesday, saying the Pennsylvania high-court decision was "disappointing."

Harvey Weinstein's lawyers praise court's decision to overturn Cosby conviction

Attorneys for convicted rapist Harvey Weinstein praised the decision by Pennsylvania's Supreme Court to overturn Bill Cosby's sex assault conviction.

Bill Cosby wins the right to appeal sexual assault conviction

The 82-year-old is currently serving a three- to 10-year sentence after a jury found him guilty of drugging and sexually assaulting Andrea Constand in 2004 during a second trial.

Pod Squad: 5 podcasts to listen to while you're home

During times of crisis, Americans used to gather and tune in to the radio. Today, it's more likely we'll scatter and listen to separate podcasts.

Bill Cosby loses appeal in sex assault case

A Pennsylvania judge did not err in allowing five women to take the stand against Bill Cosby to prove he was a serial sexual predator, an appeals court ruled Tuesday....

Skeptical appeals judges rip Bill Cosby's lawyers in hearing

It doesn’t look good for Bill Cosby. Three judges on a Pennsylvania appellate panel listened Monday as his lawyers argued why his conviction should be overturned — and spent much...

Bill Cosby appeals sex assault conviction

He argued that five of his accusers should've never been allowed to testify in his second trial.

What it took to finally convict Bill Cosby

Cosby's first trial, in 2017, ended in a mistrial. But he was convicted in 2018 at his second trial, which allowed testimony from five other accusers and a defense witness,...

Andrea Constand's statement letter made public during Cosby sentencing

The victim impact statement written by Andrea Constand — the woman who brought down Bill Cosby — was made public Tuesday, as the comedian was set to learn his fate...

Andrea Constand declines to revisit assault during Cosby sentencing

“Your honor, I have testified. I have given you my impact statement,” Andrea Constand told the judge.

Andrea Constand to address court ahead of Cosby sentencing

Fellow Cosby accusers Heidi Thomas, Chelan Lasha, Janice Baker Kinney, supermodel Janice Dickinson and Maud Lise-Lotte Lublin will not speak at the hearing.

Andrea Constand felt like a 'limp noodle' when Bill Cosby drugged her

"My mind is saying, ‘Move your hands. Kick. Can you do anything? I don't want this. Why is this person doing this?’"

NBC lands interview with Cosby accuser Andrea Constand

We’re told the interview will air next week.

Bill Cosby's victims want him to 'spend the rest of his life in jail'

"He sentenced many women to years and years of therapy and inner jail. I just think he deserves to spend an appropriate time and if that means dying in jail,...

Bill Cosby's lawyer says he's 'feeling great' after conviction

The day after the comedian was found guilty of sexual assault, Andrea Constand tweeted, "Truth prevails."

Cosby verdict hailed as a 'victory for womanhood'

Actress Lili Bernard collapsed in tears as the “guilty” verdict against Cosby was read.