amy pascal

Pascal hoping 'Interview' success will save her job

Embattled Sony exec Amy Pascal is hoping that “The Interview” will draw enough eyeballs to save her job following weeks of embarrassing hacked-email leaks and an initial decision to knuckle...

Meet the winners and losers of the Sony hacking scandal

Fallout continues from the Sony hacking scandal, with the embattled studio vowing this weekend that their comedy “The Interview,” in which Seth Rogen and James Franco’s characters assassinate the leader...

Sharpton is shamelessly aiding North Korea by attacking Sony

Not only is Al Sharpton giving a victory to terrorists — he’s using them to advance his agenda, his name and his bank account. On Thursday, Sharpton met with Amy...

Adam Sandler is an a--hole: Sony exec in leaked e-mail

Maybe she needs some “Anger Management.” Embattled Sony Pictures exec Amy Pascal called Adam Sandler an “a- -hole” after he demanded $200 million for a new flick and a raise for...

Sharpton to have say over how Sony makes movies

Coming to a theater near you: Al Sharpton.​ Hollywood ​came to the Rev. Al Thursday as embattled Sony exec Amy Pascal ​met ​privately with the ​black leader for 90 minutes...

US officials approved Kim Jong-un death scene in 'The Interview'

Hey, moviegoers — Uncle Sam gives "The Interview" two thumbs up. At least two US government officials approved a rough cut of the gruesome Kim Jong-un assassination scene in Seth Rogen...

Stars hit by the Sony hack

The Sony hack didn't just give Amy Pascal a headache. These stars all suffered from the leaks as well.

Sony exec Amy Pascal is calling everyone for support

Embattled Sony movie boss Amy Pascal had better have an unlimited phone plan. Pascal has been burning minutes marshalling friends and foes to help defend Sony in the midst of...

Sony exec: TV is 'the new black baby'

More of the embattled Sony exec Amy Pacal's emails were uncovered Monday, showing that her comments about President Obama's taste in movies wasn’t the only time she brought race up.

Tatum-Pratt 'Ghostbusters' in the works: Sony emails

In another set of leaked emails, an "action romance" starring Bradley Cooper and Emma Stone slated for 2015 is described as being "way worse" than imagined.

Sony emails: David O. Russell 'felt up' transgender niece

It just keeps getting uglier for Hollywood bigs — who have now been caught in leaked emails trashing a top filmmaker for allegedly “feeling up” his transgender niece. Mocking “American...

Latest Sony email leaks reveal DiCaprio dissed, Clooney woes

DiCaprio bashed! Clooney abashed! Will Smith’s kids trashed! The hits keep coming for Sony Pictures, with a new onslaught of leaked e-mails revealing still more Tinseltown taunts, tantrums and tirades....

Sony CEO demanded 'The Interview' tone down assassination scene

It’s the movie that brought a film studio to a standstill — but ironically, Sony was already trying to appease North Korea with “The Interview.” The screwball comedy, due out...

Leaks reveal Times columnist showed Sony co-chair article before publication

New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd has become the latest victim in the massive Sony hacking scandal, thanks to newly revealed leaked e-mails suggesting she promised a sneak preview of...

Seth Rogen thanks Sony co-chairman for making 'The Interview'

Despite all the Sony hacks, "The Interview" star thanks the co-chairman for having the courage to make their Kim Jong Un comedy.

Exec in racist slams on Obama calls Sharpton, Jackson to 'heal'

“It was a very preliminary conversation, and we just talked about getting together," Pascal said of her phone conversation with Jackson.

Angelina gives Sony exec death stare after 'spoiled brat' emails

The two bumped into each other at the Women in Entertainment Power 100 Breakfast.

Sony emails reveal racist slams on Obama

“What should I ask the president at this stupid Jeffrey breakfast?” she emailed. Rudin responded: “Would he like to finance some movies.”