American Revolution

Archaeologists uncover 250-year-old musket balls tied to American Revolution

Archaeologists working at Minute Man National Historical Park in Concord, Massachusetts, unearthed a piece of American history tied to the "shot heard round the world."

On July 4th, follow Samuel Adams — and speak up for American patriotism

As traditional American values wane, look to the Founders and reclaim patriotism.

Artwork uncovered in NYC apartment turns out to be rare, priceless Revolutionary War sketch

A rare drawing dating to 1777 was found hanging in a New York City apartment, and could end up being the oldest known depiction of women aiding in the Revolutionary...

'God Save Benedict Arnold': More than a man who betrayed his country

“Most Americans know one thing about Benedict Arnold,” writes award-winning author and historian Jack Kelly. “He betrayed his country.”

Boston Tea Party turns 250 years old with reenactments of the revolutionary protest

Patriotic mobs and harbor tea-dumping returned to Boston on Saturday as the city marked the 250th anniversary of the revolutionary protest that preceded America’s independence.

Older than its state: The 1710 Hale House in Massachusetts is listed for $725K

Behold, the second-oldest home in the sleepy New England town of Longmeadow, Mass. -- and one from colonial times -- can now be yours.

Burning of Benedict Arnold Festival torches the traitor, a CT native

On Saturday, hundreds are expected to gather for the Burning of Benedict Arnold Festival in New London, Connecticut.

To vilify our founders, Hulu’s '1619' ignores what actually sparked the American Revolution

The 1619 Project is back in the news with the release of the six-part Hulu series built around the claim that “nearly everything that has made America exceptional grew out...

Disney's insane embrace of toxic '1619' lies

Viewers rightly furious over the project’s lies and distortions are already canceling their subscriptions. Good.

Nikole Hannah-Jones' '1619' docuseries lies about American history again

The Hulu docuseries of the New York Times’ 1619 Project attempts to bolster creator Nikole Hannah-Jones' most troublesome claim.

Major astrology predictions for the entire world in 2023

Real talk, 2023 will not be gentle, it will not feel like a summer breeze nor taste like childhood. Neigh, the vibe here is revolution and critical change but trust...

Today in history: US postal system established under Ben Franklin in 1775

The American postal system, under the leadership of Benjamin Franklin, was created on this date, July 26, 1775.  

Salute the American Revolution's enduring legacy

It’s been a hard time for the American Revolution. It’s been smeared by the New York Times 1619 project as a fight to preserve slavery. Juneteenth, a worthy event in...

On Juneteenth, remember those who paved the way for slavery's extinction

Edward Coles lived to witness the 13th Amendment and the original Juneteenth. This Juneteenth is a good time to remember him and the many others who strived to put American...

'Alexander Hamilton was not a slave owner!': Descendant challenges critics

A descendant of Alexander Hamilton is dueling with critics who claim the Founding Father — and founder of The Post — was a slave owner.

NYT's 1619 Project tries to rob black Americans of their stake in 1776

The New York Times’ 1619 Project argues that the United States is inextricably rooted in the evil of slavery, brought to these shores in 1619. As a black scholar, I...

George Washington was a liar who cheated his way to the top, according to new biography

Americans widely believe that George Washington had wooden teeth. But his dentures were, in fact, constructed from “chunks of ivory from hippopotamuses, walruses, and elephants,” along with teeth from a...

Battle wages over Revolutionary War sword once used by US president

A sword fight of sorts stretching from Connecticut to Ohio is underway as investigators try to solve a mystery surrounding an American Revolutionary weapon once carried by President William Henry...

Farmhouse that's a century older than America is for sale in Ohio

Finding a well-preserved home for sale that was built before the Revolutionary War is a rarity. Finding one in the middle of Ohio — a state founded in 1870, almost...

This Revolutionary War hero may have actually been a woman

More like the “mother” of American cavalry! A legendary war hero for whom New Jersey’s Pulaski Skyway bridge was named was probably a biological woman, researchers behind a new study...