amedy coulibaly

Suspected arms dealer for Paris attacks arrested in Spain

MADRID -- Spanish police have arrested a Frenchman suspected of supplying weapons to Paris attacker Amedy Coulibaly for use in the deadly January 2015 attacks in the French capital, the...

Paris deli killer’s widow says she loves ISIS 'caliphate'

The fugitive French widow of the jihadist who gunned down shoppers in a Paris market says she is loving life in the “caliphate” — and said ISIS inspired a bloodlust...

ISIS claims to have interview with French terrorist's widow

PARIS — The Islamic State group has published what it says is an interview with the widow of the French gunman who attacked a kosher supermarket and a police officer...

Terrorist buried near Paris after Mali rejects corpse

The jihadi terrorist who killed a cop and four hostages at a kosher grocery store was buried Friday near Paris after his native country of Mali rejected his body. Amedy...

French terrorist's sister teaches 'Booty Therapy' classes A sister of the terrorist who murdered a French policewoman and four men in a kosher market ​in Paris is more Miley Cyrus than martyr for Muhammad. Maimouna Coulibaly,...

Was the fugitive wife of a Paris terrorist caught on tape?

Hayat Boumeddiene, the common-law wife of the Paris grocery shop shooter and cop killer Amedy Coulibaly, has apparently been caught on video.

French forces motivated to avenge slain fellow cop French special forces said they were exhausted but motivated to avenge the slaying of their fellow cop as they gunned down the jihadi fanatic who killed four hostages at...

Paris grocery gunman tied to 3rd shooting pledged allegiance to ISIS

PARIS — The shooting of a jogger in a Paris suburb on the same day as the Charlie Hebdo massacre has been linked to the gunman who killed a policewoman...

French intelligence stopped surveilling terrorist cell last year

The terrorist cell responsible for the carnage in France reportedly had been under close surveillance — but only until last July. The operation ended when French police decided members were...

Missing widow may be the link between the Paris terrorists

PARIS — A young Frenchwoman of North African origin, she opted to wear an Islamic veil, though she said the pious choice of attire cost her a job as a...

Thousands march as French police hunt for jihadist's widow

PARIS — France's government urged the nation to remain vigilant Saturday, as thousands of security forces try to thwart new attacks and hunt down a suspected accomplice in a rampage...

Jihadi wife of Paris terrorist at large

French police are on the hunt for the 26-year-old burqa-wearing, crossbow-shooting wife of kosher-grocery-store shooter and cop killer Amedy Coulibaly. Hayat Boumeddiene, who police say is “armed and dangerous,” trained...

Charlie Hebdo terrorists did interview while cornered

The terrorists killed today in separate police raids both were in contact with a French TV station in the hours before their death offering twisted explanations for their atrocities. A...

Charlie Hebdo suspects, kosher-market gunman killed; 4 hostages die in rescue attempt In a hail of gunfire and deafening explosions, French police ended three days of terror Friday with simultaneous raids that killed the two al Qaeda-linked Charlie Hebdo murderers and...

'2 killed' in standoff at Paris kosher market

At least five hostages were being held Friday in eastern Paris, with some reports saying two people were killed at a kosher supermarket — while the two suspects in the earlier...