ahmed abu-khattala

Benghazi attack suspect pleads not guilty before judge

WASHINGTON — The Libyan militant accused of masterminding the deadly Benghazi attacks that have become a flashpoint in U.S. politics pleaded not guilty to conspiracy Saturday in a federal courtroom...

The shadowy Iranian spy chief who helped plan Benghazi

As a radical Islamic army marches across Iraq, America is making a deal with the devil. Qassem Suleymani, the head of Iran’s secretive Quds Force, is allied with us in...

Accused Benghazi mastermind led 'normal life' in Libya

Not that long ago, accused Benghazi ringleader Ahmed Abu Khattala didn't have a care in the world. When The New Yorker magazine came to interview him at his home in...

US still interrogating captured Benghazi attack mastermind

WASHINGTON — Four days after his capture, the first Libyan jihadi arrested in the deadly 2012 Benghazi embassy attack remains under interrogation on a slow ship to DC, officials said...

Libya demands return of captured Benghazi suspect

TRIPOLI, Libya — The Libyan government on Wednesday denied it had prior knowledge of the US capture of a top suspect in the deadly 2012 assault on Americans in Benghazi...

Inside the Osama-like raid to capture the Benghazi mastermind

Delta Force commandos and FBI agents stormed a Libyan compound to grab the Benghazi terror mastermind in a surgical raid that bore striking similarities to the attack on Osama bin...

Benghazi justice

Good for President Obama — and the team of Special Forces and FBI agents that pulled off a secret raid in Libya to capture a man who helped direct the...

US captures Benghazi suspect in special forces raid

WASHINGTON — One of the suspected ringleaders of the 2012 terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya — who taunted the United States for months while hiding in plain sight — was...