abdel fattah al-sisi

Some rare good news in the Middle East

These days you take good news in the Middle East where you can find it. And here’s some good news from Egypt: It presents an opportunity that may not be...

Islam's reformation

In the days since masked gunmen claiming they were avenging the Prophet Mohammed killed in cold blood workers at a French satirical magazine, it is astounding how many continue to...

Egypt blames Islamists for four beheaded corpses

CAIRO — Four beheaded corpses were found by residents of a town in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula on Wednesday, security sources said, blaming Islamist militants waging an insurgency against Cairo. The security...

Kerry screened by metal detector before meeting Egypt's president

CAIRO - Egyptian security officers checked U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and his top aides with a metal detector as they arrived for a meeting on Tuesday with President...

If they held an election and no one came

He’d hoped it would be a plebiscite for his military coup that toppled Egypt’s first freely elected president last year. Instead, this week’s presidential election seems to have delivered the...

Egypt holds key vote on country's new constitution

CAIRO -- Egyptians formed long lines Tuesday outside polling stations to vote on a new constitution that represents a key milestone in a military-backed roadmap put in place after the...