abdel fattah al-sisi

Qatar allegedly hired ex-CIA agent to discredit Sen. Ted Cruz, other lawmakers opposed to Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood

The oil-rich Gulf state of Qatar hired a former CIA agent's company to discredit Sen. Ted Cruz and other lawmakers who oppose Hamas and its parent organization, the Muslim Brotherhood.

Obama's clueless foreign policy left behind the chaos we face today

To dive back into Obama’s presidential statements is to encounter a mind preoccupied to the point of obsession with the mistakes of the past.

Egypt secretly ordered 40,000 rockets to be produced, shipped to Russia: report

An unnamed US government official told the newspaper officials were not aware the plan to ship rockets had happened.

White House forced to defend Biden delay in calling Egypt's Sisi about Gaza

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki was put on the defensive over President Biden's delay in calling Egypt's president.

Buff display by shirtless Egyptian police graduates goes viral

These chests were made for arrests.

The Egyptians the Western media ignore

CAIRO -- We’re growing complacent about Egypt — again. Once more, we’re forgetting the hellish threat a destabilized Egypt would pose to its people, the region and US security. And...

News media share the blame for all the rage and other commentary

Conservative: News Media Share Blame for All the Rage A lot of journalists are casting themselves as heroic victims in the wake of the mail-bomb attempts, but The Daily Beast’s...

Egypt's president wins re-election with no real opposition

CAIRO — Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi has been re-elected with 97 percent of the vote, the same proportion that the former military commander secured four years ago for his...

People are mesmerized and confused by glowing orb Trump touched

An eerie-looking photo of President Trump and Middle Eastern leaders with their hands on a mysterious, glowing orb lit up social media Sunday, with users comparing the world leaders to...

Trump compliments Egyptian president's 'nice shoes'

WASHINGTON – President Trump praised Egypt’s president as “my friend” and took special notice of his footwear. In a meeting with Abdel Fattah el-Sisi Trump gushed over his dress shoes....

'I felt fire grabbing my face': Witnesses recount Egypt church bombings

At least 44 people were killed and more than 100 wounded in Palm Sunday blasts at two Coptic churches in Egypt for which ISIS claimed responsibility. The bombings targeted worshippers...

Trump says he's 'confident' Egypt will handle terror attack properly

​President Trump took to Twitter on Sunday to express ​confidence​ in the Egyptian leader after terrorists set off bombs in two Coptic churches, killing at least 43 people. "So sad...

Trump wants to broker Middle East peace talks

President Trump wants to host a Middle East summit to jump-start peace talks between the Israelis and the Palestinians as soon as this summer, according to a report. Trump and...

Trump, Egyptian president trade compliments at White House

Egyptian strongman Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi and President Trump traded compliments during a brief joint appearance at the White House on Monday, with the Middle East leader praising the president’s “unique personality.”...

De Blasio's double standard on 'terror' murders and other comments

From the right: Sisi in DC — a Most Important Visit Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi visited President Trump Monday after years of being “slighted” by the Obama administration, reports...

Egypt's president thinks Trump would be a strong leader

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi has given Donald Trump’s presidential candidacy a big thumbs up, saying there was “no doubt” the GOP nominee would be a strong leader. The Egyptian...

Trump has sit-down with Egypt's president

Donald Trump expressed “his high regard for peace-loving Muslims” during a meeting Monday night with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi in New York, the Trump campaign announced. The high-level sit-down...

Trump says he's meeting with world leaders, won't say whom

Donald Trump said Monday he has already met with "a couple" of world leaders — and is scheduled to meet with more. “I don't want to comment on whom I’m...

Stupid PC superheroes, a world fallen out of love with Obama, and other notable commentary

From the right: Why Obama Is the Worst US Pres Myron Magnet in City Journal says last week’s tumultuous events have convinced him that Barack Obama “might well be the...

Why Washington is placing its bets on Egypt's dictator

Abdel Fattah el-Sissi has been trampling human rights, the rule of law and freedom of the press since he became Egypt’s president two years ago. For almost as long, the...