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Feeling lonely? Here's how those emotions could increase your stroke risk

Loneliness and social isolation are not the same.

Many older adults are taking aspirin to prevent a heart attack — despite the risks

Aspirin has been hailed for its ability to keep platelets from sticking together and forming a blood clot that can spur a heart attack or stroke.

I lost 42 pounds on Ozempic — this is the one risk I didn’t see coming

"For the first six months I was taking the drug, I was getting what I wanted — I was losing loads of weight, my back pain went away, all sorts...

I'm a doctor — beware this one unusual, 'highly concerning' colon cancer sign

"This tends to occur if tumors are present near the end of the colon or if they line the entire inside of the colon, which narrows whatever stool passes through,"...

Party too hard in your 20s? How it can affect your brain in the long term

Though alcohol affects everyone differently, blackouts often start when a person's blood alcohol concentration reaches about 0.16% — twice the legal driving limit.

I'm a doctor — here's how hearing loss can affect your health

Roughly 38 million American adults report some kind of hearing trouble.

Hundreds of coffee products recalled over concerns of botulism contamination

The products have been recalled over concerns of botulism contamination, the Food and Drug Administration reported this week.

FDA approves first menthol flavored e-cigarettes from Altria's NJOY

The FDA's authorization comes at a time when the government is reviewing a potential ban on menthol cigarettes.

Ozempic to treat arthritis? Why doctors say obesity drugs could cure a host of chronic illnesses

“You get the weight loss, and you’ve treated the high blood pressure, the fatty liver, the diabetes, the high cholesterol, the high triglycerides," one doctor declared.

Is this why people go bald? Your hair may be 'stressed,' new study finds

Could a cure for the bane of baldness be on the hairline horizon?

Connecticut woman contracts deadly flesh-eating infection spreading at rapid levels in Japan

A critically ill Connecticut woman has been treated for the same life-threatening, flesh-eating infection that is plaguing Japan. 

These 5 healthy desserts can boost metabolism and banish belly fat

Summer is here, and our collective sweet tooth aches for twist cones and popsicles, funnel cake and icebox pies — at the expense of our health and waistline.

Heat dome relief: here's how to cool down your body quickly

Today is the official start of summer, and the solstice has brought an unprecedented heat wave to the North East. Read on to learn how to cool down.

Doctors told me I had anxiety and sent me home early — I had a deadly condition

California's Joe DuPont nearly died due to heart failure after doctors mistook his sepsis for anxiety and sent him home.

These 6 things are draining men of their vitality — Here's how you can get it back

Surveys have shown that less than half of men consider their physical, mental and sexual health as excellent or very good — but they don’t have to settle for functioning...

You're probably eating sunscreen — this common cosmetic ingredient is also used as a food additive

A since-dismissed 2022 lawsuit against candymaker Mars claimed that the inclusion of titanium dioxide in Skittles is toxic.

Doctor sounds the alarm after popular car accessory explodes in driver's face

The confronting video shows the influencer lying in what appears to be a hospital bed, wiping her eyes with a damp cloth - clearly in agony. 

Your bra size affects how much you sweat — and women with bigger busts sweat less: study

Historically, it was believed that the bigger the bust, the more sweat, but scientists have uncovered that the long-believed adage might not be more than a myth.

Mom undergoes horrific surgery only to find she's been misdiagnosed

A mom underwent a hysterectomy to battle her years-long urinary tract infection only to wake from the surgery to realize her symptoms were unchanged.