
Casino etiquette: A complete guide for new gamblers

If you’ve ever participated in casino gambling at a land-based casino, chances are you’ve witnessed bad behavior or poor etiquette from a patron. While some players do have bad intentions, others are simply unaware of proper casino etiquette. Regardless, we’re all familiar with the player who offends his fellow gamblers by overindulging in alcohol, berating the dealer, or offering unsolicited opinions on everyone’s play.

Etiquette breaches aren’t always so blatant. Even things that may appear harmless, such as placing your drink on the gaming table or speaking too loudly can be considered impolite.

Keep reading to discover what’s expected of you before your next casino visit. Our complimentary guide on the best casino etiquette covers topics such as alcohol, tipping, security, cell phones, dress codes, and more.

More on Casino Etiquette

Our Best Casino Etiquette Tips

Amidst the hustle and bustle of big crowds, flashing lights, and loud noise, it’s easy to forget about these unspoken rules. Mistakes can cost you not only money but also the respect of dealers and fellow players.

Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned pro, understanding casino etiquette will enhance your gambling experience.

Drink Responsibly

When a player becomes loud or disruptive, too much drinking is often the culprit. While complimentary drinks are a perk of gambling, excessive alcohol consumption can significantly impair your judgment.

Intoxicated players are more prone to overspending their bankrolls and making poor playing decisions. This is especially problematic if they’re engaging in skill-based games such as blackjack or poker where concentration is required. A lack of inhibitions may even lead to confrontations with dealers and floor staff.

Put Your Devices Away

Casinos take security seriously, so avoid spending too much time on your phone while at the table. Additionally, cameras and video recorders are banned on most casino floors. Attitudes about electronic devices have relaxed a bit in recent years especially since YouTubers began recording their gambling sessions, but many hotels prohibit cameras for security reasons and to accommodate guests who seek privacy.

Touch Cards (or Don’t)

Before you sit down at a gaming table, find out if the cards are dealt face-up or face-down. When the cards are dealt face down, such as in single and double-deck blackjack, players can handle the cards with one hand. When cards are dealt up, players aren’t permitted to touch them.

Stay Courteous

The staff is observing the behavior of casino guests, so the tone you project matters. Treating the dealers, servers, and other employees with respect is common casino courtesy. Maintain composure, keep your emotions in check, and refrain from using inappropriate language.

Proper etiquette goes beyond being kind to other players and staff. It creates a respectful environment for everyone at the table. Good manners demand not invading fellow players’ personal space and acknowledging the authority of the dealer. When everyone is on their best behavior, table games run smoothly and the players interact peacefully.

When you’re in a crowded casino, it’s easy to lose track of how loudly you are speaking. You may find yourself unintentionally yelling to be heard over all of the noise and excitement. Remember that raising your voice can disrupt fellow players who are focusing on their next move or engaged in their own conversations.

A polite gambler loses gracefully and doesn’t flaunt it when he goes on a winning streak. It can be challenging with large sums of money at stake, but do your best to remain even-tempered whether you win or lose. Players with bad tempers can create scenes and may even get kicked out of the casino.

Keep Your Opinions to Yourself

He’s one of the most egregious etiquette offenders in the casino—the guy who tells you how to play your hand, even when you haven’t asked. Remember to resist the urge to offer unsolicited advice even if another player is making an error.

Tip Accordingly

When you experience excellent service, it’s customary to tip. Dealers, cocktail waitresses, and other staff rely on tips to supplement their hourly wages and cover their expenses. Some players give a small tip after every winning hand, while others wait to give a more substantial tip when they leave the table.

Cash In and Out

While the dealer may ask you what denomination you would like when you buy chips, he can usually anticipate your needs. When you’re ready to leave, ask the dealer to exchange smaller denomination casino chips for larger ones—this is what’s known as “coloring up.” Afterward, proceed to the cashier’s cage to cash out your chips.

Understand the Casino Rules

Familiarize yourself with the fundamental rules for the games you want to play so you don’t slow down the action by asking too many questions. For instance, if you’re at a roulette table, you’ll want to know the amounts for the maximum bet and minimum bet.

Poker players have their own set of house rules. One is placing a chip protector on top of their hole cards during a hand. It prevents the dealer from accidentally mucking your cards when you’re still in the hand. A chip protector is often a chip, but it can also be a lucky symbol, a sports team token, or some other expression of your individuality.

Additionally, if you’re at the craps, poker, or blackjack tables, learn the hand signals since dealers cannot rely solely on voice commands. These hand signals must be visible for the benefit of the casino’s surveillance system, the “eye in the sky”.

When you lose a hand of poker and your opponent plays well, it’s customary to say, “Nice hand,” from time to time. However, taking an excessive amount of time to act is a good way to alienate your tablemates. Eventually, someone will call the clock on you and you’ll have one minute to make your move.

Responsible Gambling

Most of us can play casino games recreationally without a second thought, but others are more susceptible to a problem that destroys lives. While there’s no way to know whether you will become addicted to gambling, there are steps you can take to protect yourself and your money.

Decide exactly how much you’re willing to lose and stick to your loss limit even if you’re convinced that your luck is about to change. It’s also advisable to choose the maximum amount you wish to wager to prevent overbetting your bankroll during moments of heightened emotion. When you run out of cash, it’s time to leave. Remember that casino ATMs tend to have exorbitant fees, so try to avoid them at all costs.

Dress to Impress

Before heading out to a brick-and-mortar casino, verify its operating hours and whether there is a dress code in place. While most casinos allow casual attire, some upscale venues and cruise ships enforce strict dress requirements. In Las Vegas, you can get away with t-shirts and shorts, but when visiting a luxurious Monte Carlo casino, opt for something more elegant than flip-flops.

Check the Smoking Policy

Check the casino’s smoking policy before your visit. In today’s world, certain casinos have completely banned smoking while others have designated areas for smokers. An increasing number of casinos are adopting smoke-free policies to create a cleaner and healthier gaming environment.

Pros and Cons of Casino Etiquette

excited friends gambling at a craps table in a casino
People celebrate at the casino. Getty Images

If you’re a novice gambler, you may not have given casino etiquette any thought. Now that you’re aware of what’s customary, your land-based and online casino experience can be both entertaining and respectful of other casino goers.

We weighed the pros and cons of basic casino etiquette below:

Pros of Casino Etiquette

Here are some reasons why casino etiquette is so important:

  • Relaxed, friendly atmosphere: Casinos draw visitors from diverse backgrounds, so treating fellow casino goers with respect minimizes potential conflicts and helps put people at ease.
  • Uninterrupted game flow: When players know the rules, they don’t have to disturb the game by asking questions or missing their turn.
  • Smoke-free casinos: Smoke-free venues provide a healthier environment for both land-based casino staff and gamblers.

Cons of Casino Etiquette

The following challenges are associated with casino etiquette:

  • Unwritten rules: Unlike other types of regulations, casino etiquette rules remain unwritten, leaving it up to the player to explore and understand them.
  • Smoke policies: Because smoking is so pervasive in casino culture, it might be challenging for gamblers who want a smoke-free environment to find a casino floor for them.

Casino Etiquette and Having Fun

Casinos serve as an escape for many people, so operators don’t want to weigh players down with too many unspoken rules. However, your behavior on the casino floor directly impacts those around you, so it’s essential to be familiar with the rules. If you follow the tips on this page, you can play confidently, knowing you won’t inadvertently offend other players or the dealer.

Casino Etiquette FAQs

Want to learn more about the dos and don’ts of casino etiquette? We’ve compiled answers to some of your most frequently asked questions below:

What are the common rules at casinos?

Some of the most common casino rules include keeping your drinks and personal items off the gaming tables, avoiding overindulging in alcohol, smoking in designated areas only, putting away your cell phone, and respecting your fellow players’ space.

Are you supposed to tip at the casino?

Yes, tipping is customary in most casinos, and patrons are generally expected to do so whether they win or lose. While some players give a small tip every time they win, others wait until they leave the casino table to give a bigger tip. Some dealers prefer you place a bet for them rather than giving them cash directly.

What should you bring to the casino?

Before you head out the door, make sure you have sufficient cash for dining, drinks, and gambling, but leave behind anything you can’t afford to lose. Bring your official ID or passport regardless of your age. You may need it to get through the door or cash out your chips, especially if you hit a big jackpot. Finally, take along a light coat and wear comfortable shoes for a great casino night out.

What should you not do at a casino?

Avoid wearing flashy jewelry and don’t wave your cash around in a casino to prevent becoming a victim of crime. Watch your alcohol intake, because drinking too much in a casino can lead to conflict and disruptive behavior. Additionally, don’t chase your losses to avoid further financial and emotional setbacks.

What are the best casino etiquette tips?

Understand the rules of the game before taking a seat at the table. Knowing how to play prevents disruptions in the game and shields you from being singled out by fellow players due to a mistake. Unless you’re playing in an online casino, check to see if a casino dress code is being enforced. And remember, it’s customary to tip for good service.

How much money should you bring to the casino?

The ideal sum of money to take to the casino depends on your budget and how much you can afford to lose. Set aside a specific amount for gambling, and stop playing when it’s gone. Additionally, bring some extra cash for dining, drinking, and tips.