Yoav Gonen

The Archive

Plan to repair BQE will put major roadway over a section of the Brooklyn Bridge

It’s a kill to a view. The city’s controversial plan to divert traffic from the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway would install an unsightly roadway over and perpendicular to the Brooklyn Bridge —...

De Blasio says 7 new NYPD tow teams will help unclog bus lanes

The days of cars clogging city bus lanes are over, Mayor de Blasio vowed Thursday, announcing seven new NYPD tow teams dedicated to clearing the five boroughs’ public-transit thoroughfares. “Too...

Cuomo signs bill updating New York's abortion law

New York’s abortion law was updated and strengthened Tuesday night when Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed the Reproductive Health Act into law that had just passed the Senate and Assembly. The...

De Blasio defends handling of sexual harassment claims against top aide

Mayor Bill de Blasio on Friday doubled down in defense of his administration’s hush-hush handling of confirmed sexual harassment complaints against a top aide, which saw the harasser move to...

De Blasio, O'Neill clash over Black Lives Matter surveillance

Mayor Bill de Blasio and his police commissioner clashed Thursday over the NYPD’s practice of spying on Black Lives Matter protesters. While Police Commissioner James O’Neill defended the practice —...

Whoopi Goldberg still pissed over NYC bike lanes

Whoopi Goldberg and her co-hosts on “The View” reveled in The Post’s Page 1 coverage of her bike-lane takedown of Mayor de Blasio — as she raged about the matter for...

Former Bill de Blasio aide quietly booted over misconduct allegations

A former top aide to Mayor de Blasio was quietly booted from City Hall last year after sexual-harassment complaints against him were substantiated, city officials said Thursday. Kevin O’Brien —...

De Blasio calls off police raid on Bronx park littered with syringes

Mayor Bill de Blasio’s office planned — then abruptly canceled — a police raid on a South Bronx park that has been at the center of Post stories about public...

De Blasio reveals NYC spends $10 subsidizing each ferry ride

The subsidized cost to taxpayers for each NYC Ferry ride hit $10 last year, dramatically higher than the $6.60 officials had initially claimed, the de Blasio administration admitted Monday. The...

De Blasio: I changed my mind about term promise because the 'world changed'

Mayor de Blasio said Monday that "the world has changed" to explain why he can't commit to serving a full second term -- as he promised two years ago. During...

De Blasio on Cuomo's MTA budget plan: He's got to be smoking something

Gov. Andrew Cuomo may have been stoned when he proposed splitting the cost of fixing up the MTA with the city, Mayor Bill de Blasio implied Monday. "If anyone thinks...

Behind the push to let employees unplug outside normal workday

Sorry, Boss — I’m off the clock! Employees of private companies in the Big Apple would be able to blow off their bosses’ after-hours e-mails and texts without penalty under...

Pregnant FDNY worker to de Blasio: Why don't I get maternity leave?

A day after Mayor de Blasio spent more than half his State of the City speech touting his great accomplishments on behalf of New Yorkers, a pregnant FDNY worker called...

De Blasio: There’s plenty of money in NYC — it’s just in the wrong hands

He’s Mayor Robin Hood. Burnishing his progressive credentials, Mayor Bill de Blasio portrayed himself as a protector of the working class on Thursday — while proposing a redistribution of wealth...

De Blasio vows to make buses move faster

Watch out for the "speeding" buses! Mayor Bill de Blasio vowed to increase bus speeds throughout the city by 25 percent — to a whopping 9 miles per hour. The...

Getting to Staten Island is about to get much easier

Staten Island is joining the city's fast ferry system -- cutting travel time from the island to Manhattan in half, Mayor de Blasio announced Thursday in his sixth State of...

De Blasio ready to spread the 'gospel' of his accomplishments

Mayor Bill de Blasio has found ­another excuse to justify his persistent out-of-town travel: spreading the “gospel” of his latest accomplishments. After announcing two progressive proposals this week — expanded...

City Council bill would require chains to post warnings for sugary foods

Fast-food fans are going to have to slow down to read all the warning labels on the menu if legislation introduced Wednesday in the City Council becomes law. A bill...

Inside de Blasio's $100M health care-for-all plan

Come and get it — it’s health care for all. Mayor de Blasio on Tuesday announced a plan to provide doctor-based medical care for the city’s 600,000 uninsured residents —...

State Health Department spends $598K to give away free syringes

A seemingly endless supply of used syringes littering Big Apple parks and subway stations is making life hell for New Yorkers — and its all courtesy of Gov. Andrew Cuomo,...