William Vitka

The Archive

Star Wars 8: At least it's not cats (Left 4 Dead 2 with mods)

Stormtroopers are persistent buggers. There's a bit of everything here. Imperial heads exploding. Dubstep. Metal. And, of course, lots of video game silliness.*** There are some naughty words here ***

The new Star Wars is looking pretty bad: Left 4 Dead 2 with mods (VIDEO)

The headline is a joke. Everyone stay cool.Are we Jedi? Sith? What the heck is going on? Nobody really knows, but hitting Stormtroopers with foam baseball bats sure is fun.Getting...

MARS ATTACKS! Ack! Ack! More Left 4 Dead 2 with mods (VIDEO)

ACK ACK ACK!Before Tim Burton got his EVERYTHING MUST BE TIM BURTON'D paws on it, Mars Attacks was a wildly-inappropriate trading card series from Topps, debuting in 1962. The guy...

New York's own 'Gutter Magic'

I love stories about alternate histories of Earth. Especially when they revolve around World War II. Philip K Dick's "The Man In The High Castle" is arguably my favorite. Though...

Cat apocalypse simulator: Left 4 Dead 2 with mods

We've done four of these stupid things now. Four. And there are more to come. But ... This one. Oh, man. This one is awful. Painful. And, to be honest,...

The best Starship Troopers game ever made is Left 4 Dead 2 with mods (video)

Starship Troopers -- the film that folks either thought was brilliant satire or dumber than a box of rocks -- has not had a good history in gaming. But, that's...

Animal abusers better beware of Liberator

Sadly, there are people who commit certain acts in this world of ours that are utterly reprehensible. Animal abusers are pretty high up on that list. They take advantage of...

The best Aliens game ever is Left 4 Dead 2 with mods (video)

Let's keep this Let's Play series going.In case you weren't aware, the Aliens: Colonial Marines game was utter garbage. And most gamers still fume about it. There's no shortage of...

Better than Colonial Marines: Left 4 Dead 2 modded (Let's play!)

Today, we battle Xenomorphs from Aliens, Osama bin Laden, Slenderman (or Slender Man, depending on which branch of the internet you hail from) and generally get into stupid trouble.And, yep,...

Industry vet Harvey Smith talks writing and gaming

Harvey Smith is a heckuva guy. Not only is his name attached to some of the greatest games in the industry (System Shock, Deus Ex, Dishonored), but he's newly a...

Zombies Ate My Neighbors part 2, it gets worse

For some reason, I don't remember the game being this dastardly. But it is. Oh Lord, it is. Giant ants and giant babies and a whole lot of frustration. Playing...

Zombies Ate My Neighbors and everything goes wrong

Another Friday and another video. This time, we go back twenty years to indulge in Super Nintendo supremacy with (now-defunct) LucasArts' Zombies Ate My Neigbors. As usual, it gets dumb...

Big Jack Is Dead is free today

Gamers should be pretty well aware of Harvey Smith. The guy's kind of a big deal in the gaming industry. He was lead designer on Deus Ex, for one, and...

TSMS Plays: Star Wars Battlefront 2 ... Poorly

Another week and another goofy video. This time, it's Star Wars: Battlefront 2 -- an otherwise entertaining game generally ruined by TSMS silliness. But, really, why take video games so...

TSMS Plays: Arma 3, where the civilians randomly go bonkers and explode

This is arguably the most entertaining (read: stupid) thing we've done in Arma 3. A custom 'mission' where the civilians randomly explode and cause all kinds of insane mayhem.There are...

TSMS Plays: Arma 3 Alpha

Myself and some of the other guys from TSMS decided: Hey, we should record some of the dumb stuff that happens to us in video games that we're not really...

Bloody Gun3 gaming mouse V3: Oh, how I love you

I play first-person shooters. It's what I do. It's my 'thing' in gaming. Right now, I'm obsessed with Bioshock Infinite and playing custom games with TSMS in the ARMA 3...

RHA MA150 earphones:

I like RHA's products because they won't break the bank and they've always got a nice, balanced sound -- though I didn't really like the lack of bass response of...

Soda Drinker Pro hits PAX East

The world's most important FPS (First Person Soda) Soda Drinker Pro has gotten a lot of well-deserved attention. It was recently approved for Steam Greenlight. The creator has happily produced...

Do not buy Aliens: Colonial Marines

Let me sum up our forthcoming review quite simply: Don't buy Aliens: Colonial Marines.Don't consider it. Don't even let your brain ponder it.What Gearbox has done is effectively a massive...