Steven Camarota

The Archive

Education gap lurks as ticking time bomb in ongoing US border crisis

Much of the discussion of the ongoing border crisis focuses on crime, drug importation and human trafficking.

Job gains are going to immigrants, and keeping young US-born men out of the workforce

Comparing to the fourth quarter of 2019, right before Covid hit, to the fourth quarter of 2023 shows 2.7 million more people working.

More and more men are dropping out of work force -- Biden's open borders will only make it worse

New York politicians are clamoring for Washington to give the hundreds of thousands of migrants living in the city work permits.

Illegal immigration hurts the poor -- even if Dems deny it

Those who insist we “need�� immigrant workers are displaying a callous disregard for the poorest and least educated American workers.

No, more immigration won't stem inflation

The rich and powerful keep telling us we need more foreign workers to hold down wages to check inflation.

Dems undermine working class with open borders and illegal labor

Many liberals — avowed friends of the American worker — are calling for more immigration so that employers don’t have to raise wages and get Americans back to work.

What the media tell you about illegal-immigrant crime is plain wrong

The evidence that illegal immigrants have lower crime rates than people born in America and the idea that immigrants don't report crimes for fear of ICE are likely wrong.

2 million new faces in 16 months: The Biden era’s foreign-born boom

America has lost control of its borders, but also because they raise profound questions about how many people the country can successfully integrate.