Sohrab Ahmari

The Archive

In defense of Bret Stephens

Bret Stephens made a mistake. Everyone who follows stories about the media knows this, though blessed are those who don’t follow such squalid matters. A recent tweet from a relatively...

Journos’ debunker mentality: Rush to rip conspiracy talk

Whatever happened to the old journalistic adage that “if your mother tells you she loves you, check it out”? These days, too many reporters imagine their primary role is to...

Trump’s foreign policy only creates crises for fictions establishment loves

On the first night of this week’s Democratic debate, one of the hopelessly interchangeable moderates accused the Trump administration of “lurching from one international crisis to another.” Since that’s the...

Rihanna’s oriental look was appropriate ‘appropriation’

Thank goodness the woke police weren’t around when my Chinese-born wife and I traveled to her homeland in 2014 for our Chinese wedding — else I’d have been found guilty...

Dems can't just be outraged, what is their solution to the border tragedy?

The photo is a tragic illustration of the crisis we face on the southern border. But for Democrats, it’s an excuse for cheap moralism.

Britain says no to forced abortions — for now

An appellate court in London on Monday pulled England’s justice system back from the brink of Chinese- and North Korean-style barbarism — but only at the 11th hour. The Court...

Mike Pompeo explains the Trump Doctrine

Mike Pompeo doesn’t reckon himself a media critic, but the secretary of state can’t help but grin at the hysterical coverage that attends the Trump administration’s every move on the...

Team Trump didn't try to stop UN from cracking down on wartime rapists

The headlines were dismal. “US threatens to veto UN resolution on rape as weapon of war,” The Guardian blared. The BBC was more subtle but equally condemnatory: “United States ­Dilutes...

Top 10 things the media got wrong about 'collusion' and 'obstruction'

The prestige press has some explaining to do — for subjecting the nation to a long, cruel ordeal named “collusion” and “obstruction.” Almost two years and millions of column inches...

Former Pope Benedict blames church's scandals partly on the '60s

When Pope Benedict XVI resigned the papacy in 2013, he vowed to live the rest of his days in seclusion, to serve the Catholic Church “through a life dedicated to...

And the winner of The Post's Mueller Madness bracket is ...

We have a national champion . . . of lousy “collusion” punditry. It was a tough bracket, featuring some of the biggest names in the prestige press, late-night comedians, ­C- and D-list celebs,...

Mueller Madness: The media pundits who got it most wrong

Special counsel Robert Mueller has definitively put to rest the collusion theory of President Trump’s election. That’s not a little embarrassing for the many journalists, talking heads, celebrities and instant...

'Collusion' now exposed as nothing more than Trump haters' opioid dream

America suffers from not one but two opiate crises. The first afflicts some 11 million of our fellow citizens: people who turn to powerful painkillers to cope with suffering and...

The UN's latest 'women's rights' move just proved Trump right

Remember the liberal freak-out over President Trump’s decision last year to withdraw the United States from the UN Human Rights Council? Human Rights Watch decried the move as “a sad...

Pope delivers extraordinary mass in heart of Islamic world

ABU DHABI — It was an incredible sight: On Tuesday, in the heart of the Islamic world, Pope Francis conducted Mass. Tens of thousands of Catholic faithful packed Abu Dhabi’s...

On the ground with Pope Francis in Islam's heartland

ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates — "On the peninsula of the Arabs, two religions shall not co-exist.” So runs a saying traditionally attributed to Omar ibn al-Khattab, one of the...

The cardinal who knew — and said nothing

What did Donald Cardinal Weurl, Washington’s retired archbishop, know about his pervy predecessor, the ex-cardinal Theodore “Uncle Ted” McCarrick, and when did he know it? That question has agitated American...

Let’s make 2019 the year of mental health in New York City

The year that came to a close Monday threw the Big Apple’s mental health crisis into stark relief. From addicts openly injecting at St. Mary’s Park in the Bronx; to...

Why Western elites now can't resist conspiracy theories

I was born into a nation of conspiracy-mongers. For all their many admirable qualities, Iranians have a penchant for explaining the world through conspiracy theories, a talent for discovering a...

A fare-beater crackdown is just what New York needs

On a breezy fall day in 1990, New Yorkers descending into the subway for their morning commute witnessed an unusual sight: Some two dozen men and women lined up on...