Sohrab Ahmari

The Archive

Worse than war: My night besieged by looters and thugs in NYC

As every parent knows, children can sleep through anything when they’re tired enough. So it was with our two kids Monday night. They snored away, oblivious to the buzz of...

Is Twitter going to fact-check these tweets from prominent liberals?

This week, for the first time, Twitter “fact-checked” one of President Trump’s opinions and redirected users to coverage from that paragon of fairness and objectivity, CNN (don’t laugh). Twitter announced...

Twitter wants to target conservatives -- with none of a publisher's responsibilities

On Tuesday, Twitter appended a fact-check label to a presidential tweet about the fraud risk associated with mail-in voting. Just beneath, it added an exclamation urging users to “get the...

In Georgia, a blatant 'citizen's arrest' homicide of an innocent black man

Sheer stupidity could have been a factor, sure, but after so many such cases on the same pattern going back, well, centuries, black Americans might be excused for blaming motives...

Post-corona, the working class will blow a gasket over Chinese trade

I lost my secure, well-paying manufacturing job to free trade with the People’s Republic of China, and all I got was this damn virus that killed Grandma — and shut...

Appreciate the silver linings of semi-isolation during coronavirus pandemic

Last Tuesday, coronavirus fears prompted me to leave The Post’s offices well before deadline to finish my work from home. I’ve been living in semi-isolation in our Midtown apartment since. Strange as it...

Two losses for trans-Atlantic twits: Brexit finally happens, impeachment collapses

How much punishment must liberal elites on both sides of the Atlantic endure before they learn not to try to undo the will of voters? That such trickery only invites...

The silly smear of Bill Barr as an agent of a ‘Catholic cult’

Bill Barr is plugged into, and gets his marching ­orders from, a network of reactionary Catholics, whose tentacles reach into the highest echelons of power. At the center is a...

R.I.P., Gertrude Himmelfarb — one of America’s greatest minds

Gertrude Himmelfarb, a giant of 20th-century American letters, died Monday; she was 97. Reviewing her 1968 masterpiece, “Victorian Minds,” in Commentary, the sociologist Robert Nisbet wrote: “Doubtless, God could create...

Porn isn’t free speech — on the web or anywhere

Of all the stats that keep parents up at night, the one that haunts me most often is this: My toddler son is likely to encounter Internet porn before puberty....

Here’s who’s likely to lead Iran if the ayatollah is deposed

The measure of a successful Iranian dynasty has always been simple: For 2½ millennia, Iranians have judged their kings good if the kings managed to keep good order. Siyasat, the...

Happiness through chutzpah: the Norman Podhoretz story

Norman Podhoretz has made it. On Sunday, the pugnacious, proudly boastful and unquestionably brilliant writer and editor received an award named ­after one of a very few men, living or...

Pompeo forcefully defends Trump's Ukraine phone call, rips Obama administration

Mike Pompeo isn’t backing down. In an exclusive interview with The Post on Wednesday, America’s top diplomat forcefully defended his boss’s Ukraine phone call — and sought to turn the...

A voice for Muslim-world moderation

Nearly two decades after 9/11, America is washing its hands of the Middle East — a withdrawal that began with President Barack Obama and has accelerated under his successor, even...

A look inside Egypt's most embattled minority: The Christians of 'Garbage City'

CAIRO, EGYPT — Enormous bags of trash litter the streets and fill every nook and cranny, and the ambient scent is correspondingly pleasant. Pictures of Coptic popes and Jesus and...

The Egyptians the Western media ignore

CAIRO -- We’re growing complacent about Egypt — again. Once more, we’re forgetting the hellish threat a destabilized Egypt would pose to its people, the region and US security. And...

Why Western elites should stop lecturing Hungary

Radio Free Europe plans to return to Hungary — a quarter-century after the US-government broadcaster left the small Central European country following the end of the Cold War. As The...

With whistleblower 'protection' fake news, media does Trump another favor

Even on its own terms, the media’s Get Trump project has proved a monumental failure. If the blob of blue-checkmark Twitterati wanted to help President Trump portray the latest impeachment...

Ukraine transcript is like a lousy sequel to Russia 'collusion' controversy

Well, the transcript is out, and it’s already clear that Biden-Ukraine is the even-lousier sequel to the ­already-lousy Russian “collusion” flick. As a narrative of supposed Trumpian corruption, this new...

In defense of Bret Stephens

Bret Stephens made a mistake. Everyone who follows stories about the media knows this, though blessed are those who don’t follow such squalid matters. A recent tweet from a relatively...