Sohrab Ahmari

The Archive

America's high-tech tyranny is far more sophisticated than Putin's crude autocracy

The US Federal Election Commission decreed that there was nothing untoward about Twitter’s decision to censor a story in this newspaper in October detailing Hunter Biden’s corrupt dealings.

A world of crack, urine and catatonia: Welcome to Washington Square Park

The effect was to foreground the misery of the numerous addicts who call the park and nearby streets home: a world bathed in crack smoke, drenched in urine, murmuring with...

Facebook's lab-leak censors owe The Post, and America, an apology

Facebook's flip-flop on COVID posts comes more than a year after it banned a well-reasoned Post opinion column by China scholar Steven Mosher that speculated about a potential lab leak....

Why facing death, rather than fearing it, will lead to a better life

Our society yearns for total safety, which means conquering death. But the ability to face it, rather than fear it, will actually lead to a better life.

Woke-ism will swallow our kids unless we restore the West's great traditions

’I’m terrified of the woke radicals at my kids’ school”: Rarely a week goes by when I don’t hear some variation on this gripe from fellow parents in New York...

Never-Trump conservatives are complicit with Team Biden's moral outrages and norm-breaking

Remember Never Trump? For four years, an influential clique of think tankers, Republican operatives and talking heads claimed that any conservative who supported ­Donald Trump was complicit with a uniquely...

The GOP-corporate divorce is a blessing for the party's future

November’s election revealed that the class realignment of our two parties is solidifying. Democrats have increasingly emerged as the party of upscale suburbs, of Silicon Valley and Hollywood and Wall...

Trump's peace deals mean the anti-Israel boycott movement is dead

Last week, Morocco became the fourth Arab state — after the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Sudan — to strike a peace deal with Israel. The US-brokered Abraham Accords will...

Media disgraceful in trying to suppress Post's Hunter Biden reporting

In high-school journalism classes, teenaged would-be reporters are taught to value curiosity and independent thinking above all. Question powerful people, they’re told, and don’t trust anything anyone says, even if...

French terror attacks are a stark warning to US voters

On Thursday, a knife-wielding assailant crying “Allahu Akbar” murdered three people at the Catholic basilica of Notre Dame de Nice, beheading one woman. The savagery in France is a reminder...

How one GOP senator broke the party's loser mentality on judicial nominations

Republicans roundly celebrated new Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s swearing-in this week. Yet the deeper meaning of her confirmation process was lost on most: Barrett was the first GOP...

Meet your (Chinese) Facebook censors

China is one of the most censorious societies on Earth. So what better place for ­Facebook to recruit social media censors? There are at least half a dozen “Chinese nationals...

Facebook workers ‘ashamed’ by tech giant’s censorship of Post’s Hunter Files reporting

“Facebook is almost an arm of the Democratic Party — an arm of the far-left wing of the Democratic Party.” So said the former Facebook insider as we sat down...

If 'unreliable' is the issue, why did social media never block anti-Trump stories?

This is what totalitarianism looks like in our century: not men in darkened cells driving screws under the fingernails of dissidents, but Silicon Valley dweebs removing from vast swaths of...

Politico's pretentious, error-filled hit against Amy Coney Barrett

It’s open season on Amy Coney Barrett, the appeals court judge reported to top President Trump’s list of candidates to fill the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s seat on the Supreme...

Why this is the hands-down best pick to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Picture a female jurist who has consistently defied social expectations imposed on women and whose legal thinking is closely bound up with her faith. No, I’m not talking about Amy...

That Atlantic Trump-'exposer' also helped misreport America's way into Iraq war

Jeffrey Goldberg published a bombshell story that convulsed the nation. No, I’m not talking about his recent Atlantic magazine piece claiming, based on the testimony of four anonymous sources, that...

Trump wins the Nobel Prize for Israel-UAE peace deal (not)

OSLO, December 10, 2020 -- Fresh off a surprise ballot-box victory in November that stunned pundits and pollsters back home, and by turns baffled and enraged his Democratic opponents, a...

Teaching marginalized kids taught me orderly classrooms, Western canon keys to liberation

The worst campus ideas are sweeping America. In 2005, I graduated college with a degree in philosophy and a head brimming with “critical theory,” the strange brew of American and...

Cardinal Dolan comes through at St. Patrick's first 'reopened' Mass

Saint Patrick’s Cathedral on Sunday reopened its doors to Gotham’s Catholic faithful for the first time since public Masses in the archdiocese were suspended 14 weeks ago. Thanks be to...