Scott Gottlieb

The Archive

ObamaCare enrollment never truly closes

Contrary to popular belief, ObamaCare enrollment didn’t end Monday. In effect, it’ll continue indefinitely for tens of millions of people. The original law let people facing certain unmistakable hardships qualify...

How to make good on Obama’s ‘keep your insurance’ promise

Many of the millions of people being dumped from their private health plans by the ObamaCare law will be still be uninsured come January. But there’s still time to help...

Got ObamaCare? Too bad for you

Uncle Sam will spend $2.6 trillion on ObamaCare over the next 10 years, according to the Congressional Budget Office. What’s remarkable is how few people this will leave better off....

Failures go far past the ObamaCare Web site

It’s not just the Web site that’s broken — the ObamaCare marketplace itself is failing. Despite much talk about using competition, the ObamaCare law and the regulations that enable it...

ObamaCare vs. children’s health

If you’re a poor child, and you like your health plan, you can’t keep it. In fact, it’s now clear that ObamaCare will force tens of millions of Americans to...

ObamaCare v. women

President Obama is campaigning hard on his promise to give women access to free oral contraceptives and surgical sterilization, benefits that are guaranteed under ObamaCare. But women should also know...

Bam’s cigar trouble

Could cigars tip this year’s election? President Obama’s Food and Drug Administration is widely rumored to be working on a new regulation that would ban sales of cigars through mail-order...

Toss gran in an HMO

If you like your doctor, you can keep her — unless you’re poor or disabled. The latest installment of ObamaCare is a scheme that’s uprooting the elderly poor and disabled...

Slashing doc pay

A key government panel voted this month to whack what Medicare pays most doctors to treat patients. It’s an important step on the path to ObamaCare -- because the only...

Health reform's competition-crushers

Liberal consumer groups are aghast to learn that the Obama health team are really monopolists at heart, bent on handing hospitals a cartel in their local markets. Sunday's New York...

Killing Marcus Welby

If ObamaCare really called for the creation of "death panels," the first victim of these in vented tribunals would have been Marcus Welby MD, the character in the hit 1960s...

You're losing your plan

Late last week saw the first leaks of the administration's draft regulations for imple menting the ObamaCare law -- and everything is playing out just as the critics warned. The...

O's middle-class squeeze

The president has spent the closing days of the health-care debate making his case to the segments of Americans who will benefit under ObamaCare. But lots of other people will...

ObamaCare: No exit

Perhaps the most common question I'm asked about ObamaCare is: "Will I be able to buy my way out of it?" The answer is: "Not unless you're very rich." The...

First, a step back

It's increasingly clear that the initial impact of President Obama's health-care reform will be to raise the cost of health insurance and the number of uninsured Americans, perhaps sharply. You...


PRESIDENT Obama and his allies are shifting their health-reform rhetoric into an attack on the insurance industry -- but their goal remains universal government health coverage. Speaking on Capitol Hill...


THE idea that a preservative once used in vaccines is to blame for rising autism rates has just been authoritatively debunked - again. Indeed, some of the key early "evidence"...


THE American Medical Association launched an ad blitz last weekend, charging a handful of GOP senators with imperiling the nation's elderly. It worked: The Senate yesterday passed the Medicare bill...


MEASLES, which once killed 500 American children a year, is making a comeback - and some New York lawmakers are eager to help the disease prosper. The Centers for Disease...