Sally Goldenberg

The Archive

Council candidates rack up tens of thousands of dollars in back-rent judgments

Maybe the rent is too damn high. At least four City Council contenders who received taxpayer-provided campaign funds have racked up tens of thousands of dollars in judgments against them...

Whole Lhota love by Rudy

Republican mayoral candidate Joe Lhota is pulling out his biggest gun — Rudy Giuliani — in an escalating TV ad war with rival John Catsimatidis. The former mayor stars in...

City Council overrides Mayor Bloomberg’s vetoes on NYPD stop-and-frisk measures

A furious election-year battle over modifying the NYPD’s controversial stop-and-frisk policy culminated in a stinging defeat yesterday for Mayor Bloomberg, who warned that “minority communities across our city” would end...

Thompson says cops should have to explain — in writing — whenever they stop and question anyone

Cops would have to explain — in writing — whenever they stop and question anyone if Bill Thompson is elected mayor. Trying to seize the mantle as the leading stop-and-frisk...

Mayor financed Kelly poll

Mayor Bloomberg paid for a poll in June to try to convince Ray Kelly to jump into the mayor’s race, according to a report in The New Yorker.Bloomberg — who...

City Council’s worst no-show members

Here’s one way to earn easy money — be elected to the City Council and don’t show up for work. Helen Foster (D-Bronx) takes the title as the council’s biggest...

Quinn wife gushes

Kim Catullo is relishing the possibility that her spouse, Christine Quinn, could break two barriers if she’s elected as New York’s first female, openly gay mayor. “I think the moments...

Susan Sarandon backs de Blasio at St. Vincent’s rally despite prior opposition

Susan Sarandon’s latest starring role is as an activist with amnesia. The actress plans to join mayoral candidate Bill de Blasio and a star-studded cast for a rally today blasting...

Spouse delighted that Quinn could become New York's first female, gay mayor

Kim Catullo is relishing in the possibility that her spouse, Christine Quinn, could break two barriers if she’s elected New York’s first female, openly gay mayor. “I think the moments...

Bloomberg blasts stop-and-frisk judge

Labeling her “some woman,” Mayor Bloomberg yesterday eviscerated the federal judge in the explosive stop-and-frisk case as unqualified to tell the NYPD how to do its job. “What does she...

Charity’s $$ halted amid kickback rap

The city has suspended millions of dollars in funding to the Metropolitan Council on Jewish Poverty following a state criminal probe of its former CEO, William Rapfogel, officials disclosed yesterday.The...

Last foes standing

The Democratic race for mayor is coming down to a tight, three-way slugfest. A new poll released last night showed that the topsy-turvy campaign is now a dead heat between...

City suspends millions in funding to Jewish Poverty council following probe of ex-CEO

The city has suspended millions of dollars in funding to the Metropolitan Council on Jewish Poverty following a state criminal probe of its former CEO, William Rapfogel. The freeze coincides...

Liu: Gra$$ is greener for Apple

John Liu is riding high with New York City’s pothead voting bloc. The city comptroller yesterday proposed legalizing and taxing marijuana to raise money for the city — and even...

Bill de Blasio shoots ahead of Quinn in new poll

The race for mayor took another unpredictable twist yesterday as Public Advocate Bill de Blasio suddenly surged to first place, forging past former Democratic front-runners Christine Quinn and Anthony Weiner....

Thompson’s ‘air’ strike

Mayoral candidate Bill Thompson is hitting the airwaves this week with his first TV ads, including one 30-second spot touting his Brooklyn roots and ripping the mayor’s stop-and-frisk policy. “My...

Quinn pounds away at Dem foes

The former front-runner in the mayoral race went on the attack against her Democratic opponents in a caustic televised debate last night.City Council Speaker Christine Quinn saved her best put-downs...

De Blasio takes lead in mayoral race

In the latest sharp turn of the chaotic mayor’s race, Public Advocate Bill de Blasio has surged to the head of the pack according to a poll released today. De...

Shelly pal booted in ‘kickback’ scam

One of Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver’s closest allies — a city nonprofit executive — has been axed from his job after allegedly taking hundreds of thousands of dollars in kickbacks...

Pols play mayoral-race card

Reaction to the stop-and-frisk ruling split strictly along party lines among the mayoral candidates yesterday — with some leading Democratic contenders saying they’d drop any appeals if they got into...