Sally Goldenberg

The Archive

Bill de Blasio: I'm a conservative

Now this is rich. Bill de Blasio, who wants to tax the wealthy to fund preschool classes, described himself as a “fiscal conservative” Friday before an influential business group. Despite...

Pol proposes bill to name block after Mariano Rivera

This time the City Council saved one for Mo. Councilwoman Maria del Carmen Arroyo (D-Bronx) introduced a bill Friday to name a block outside Yankee Stadium after Mariano Rivera, just...

Council members push to end costly runoffs

No more costly runoffs. City Council members joined good-government groups Wednesday to demand an end to the pricey elections sometimes held shortly after primaries. Tuesday’s runoff for public advocate sparked...

James' win clears the way (for a white male candidate)

Letitia James’ victory in the runoff election for public advocate could have a spillover effect on who controls the City Council next year, sources said. As the first African-American woman...

De Blasio fesses up to past arrests

Bill de Blasio admitted Monday that he has been arrested twice for protesting Washington's policies towards Central America. The Democratic mayoral candidate disclosed the arrests in response to a question...

Tax crackdown yields city $72M

The city is rolling in dough, thanks in part to a recent crackdown on tax cheats. The Department of Finance has saved $72.8 million over the past two years by...

Host raps de Blasio over Cuban honeymoon

This was no honeymoon. Democratic mayoral candidate Bill de Blasio went on a Spanish-language radio Friday to court Hispanic voters — but the plan backfired when he got a Cuban-American...

Eatery-grade 'forger' busted

A “letter-grade expeditor” was arrested Wednesday evening for issuing nine fake grade cards to eateries throughout the city, the ­Department of Investigation announced. The DOI charged Anastasios Kountis, who owns...

De Blasio 'fixed' pal's water bill on council

He was carrying their water. Mayoral candidate Bill de Blasio made it a “high priority” to help political pal Dan Cantor of the left-leaning Working Families Party reduce an inflated...

De Blasio helped pal reduce $9,000 water bill

He was carrying their water. Mayoral candidate Bill de Blasio made it a “high priority” to help political pal Dan Cantor of the left-leaning Working Families Party reduce a water...

Rivera Ave. renaming gains momentum

The Post’s push for a Rivera Avenue is picking up Mo-mentum. Two key City Council members say they’re now on board with renaming River Avenue outside Yankee Stadium for retiring...

Critics slam de Blasio's trips to Cuba, Nicaragua

Revelations about Bill de Blasio’s jaunts to communist Cuba and Nicaragua aren’t sitting well with those who battled — and fled — those countries’ repressive regimes. “I think he ought...

Lhota calls out de Blasio as 'soulless' flip-flopper

Republican mayoral nominee Joe Lhota called Bill de Blasio “soulless” on Friday — following the front-running Democrat’s flip-flop on the issue of a court-ordered NYPD monitor. While campaigning for primary...

Kelly learned about NYPD oversight eggheads from the Post

Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said Wednesday that he was stunned to learn from The Post that a panel of law professors with little "real-world experience" had been appointed by a...

City pols vote 'yes' on renaming street for Rivera

Even politicians who are die-hard Mets fans went to bat Wednesday for the idea of honoring beloved Yankees pitcher Mariano Rivera with a street-name change. Mayor Bloomberg was quickly on...

Anthony Weiner 'explains' mayoral loss

Anthony Weiner whined on TV Tuesday about his pathetic performance in the mayoral primary — and claimed that he lost because of his ideas and not because of his sexting...

OWS in de Blasio's corner

It’s clear whom Occupy Wall Street members are backing for mayor — even though Bill de Blasio snubbed them during their ­anniversary celebration Tuesday. About 100 demonstrators gathered in Zuccotti...

De Blasio has 65-22 lead over Lhota: poll

Democrat Bill de Blasio has an enormous 3-1 lead over Republican Joe Lhota going into the general election for mayor, according to a poll released Tuesday night. De Blasio topped...

Bill Thompson quits mayor's race

Bill Thompson bailed out of the mayor’s race on Monday, saying he didn’t want to undermine fellow Democrat Bill de Blasio’s chances in the general election. Thompson’s move was applauded...

Mayoral votes unreported in 98 districts

Poll workers mistakenly recorded zero votes in 98 election districts in the still-unsettled Democratic race for mayor, it was disclosed Friday. Board of Elections officials discussed the snafus as they...