S.A. Miller

The Archive

Obama channels his inner third-grader

WASHINGTON — Maybe it was the pressure that made him revert to his grade-school self. President Obama put on his silliest face Thursday for a woman snapping a smartphone photo...

Obama recruited George W. Bush insider before supporting gay marriage

WASHINGTON — President Obama’s decision to come out in support of gay marriage in 2012 was heavily influenced by advice from George W. Bush's former campaign manager, according to a new...

Will she or won't she? Mixed messages on possible Sebelius Senate run

WASHINGTON — Democrats sent up a trial balloon for a US Senate run by former Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius — but it was quickly shot down Wednesday. Sebelius, the...

Rangel, Espaillat have raised near-equal sums for race

WASHINGTON — Harlem Rep. Charles Rangel and his chief rival, state Sen. Adriano Espaillat, are running neck-and-neck in the race for campaign contributions. Rangel raked in $272,000 in the first...

Democratic leader: GOP base 'animated by racism'

WASHINGTON — A prominent House Democratic leader showed his contempt for Republican voters Sunday, accusing a large portion of them of being racists. “To a significant extent the Republican base does...

Sebelius: ObamaCare’s timeline was ‘awful’

WASHINGTON — Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius took a parting shot at the Obama administration Sunday, saying the president’s timeline to ready ObamaCare sign-up Web sites “was just flat-out...

Sebelius: Healthcare.gov launch 'terribly flawed'

WASHINGTON – Departing Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius took a parting shot at the Obama administration Sunday, saying the president's timeline to ready ObamaCare sign-up Web sites “was...

Obama considers ban after Papi’s Samsung selfie

WASHINGTON — Red Sox slugger David Ortiz might have snapped the last White House selfie. President Obama is considering a ban on selfies with White House guests after Ortiz apparently used...

Jeb Bush: Sneaking into US can be 'act of love'

WASHINGTON – Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush said Sunday that breaking immigration law often is an “act of love,” staking out the softest stance on illegal immigration of any potential...

Officers should carry guns at Fort Hood: Homeland Security chief

WASHINGTON – The murderous Fort Hood shooting spree last week could have been prevented if military leaders were allowed to carry firearms on base, House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mike...

Obama administration objects to Iran’s UN ambassador

WASHINGTON — Under pressure from outraged lawmakers, the Obama administration on Wednesday objected to Iran naming an ambassador to the United Nations who took part in the 1979-81 hostage crisis...

ObamaCare website glitches freeze out public on deadline day

WASHINGTON — The last official day of ObamaCare enrollment this year was much like the first day: full of glitches. The health plan’s Web site crashed twice Monday as a...

Russia may invade Ukraine or neighboring Moldova

Moscow showed no sign of backing down Sunday as Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov huddled in Paris in an effort to broker a deal...

GOP senator doubts ObamaCare sign-ups have reached 6 million

WASHINGTON — As the White House made a final push for ObamaCare sign-ups before Monday’s deadline, a Republican lawmaker accused the administration of “cooking the books.” “I don’t think it...

It was right to probe Bridgegate romance: Giuliani

WASHINGTON – Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani defended the internal Bridgegate report Sunday and its detour into the steamy romantic relationship between two Chris Christie aides. “The mention of it …...

Russia booted out of G8

WASHINGTON — President Obama and his fellow leaders on Monday kicked Russia out of the world’s most exclusive club — the G8 group of leading industrialized countries. “We believe that...

Air Force general warns Russia may threaten Moldova

WASHINGTON — NATO’s top general warned Sunday that Russia’s land grab could reach beyond Crimea and threaten Ukraine’s neighbor Moldova, as the region teetered on the brink of war. US...

Romney says Obama 'naive' on Ukraine crisis

Former GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney on Sunday blamed President Obama’s “naivete with regards to Russia” for fueling the Ukraine crisis. “His faulty judgment about Russia’s intentions and objectives, has...

Jimmy Carter uses 'snail-mail' to thwart NSA

WASHINGTON – Not even former President Jimmy Carter feels safe from the electronic snooping of US spy agencies. Carter said that he resorts to old-fashion snail mail to try to...

Barack-less Obama family visits Great Wall of China

WASHINGTON – First Lady Michelle Obama and her daughters spent some quality time Sunday hiking along a section of the Great Wall of China. She made the trek on the...