Robert Goldberg

The Archive

Biden's fantasyland Medicare plan would mean even more American life years lost

President Joe Biden announced a plan Tuesday to keep Medicare solvent by relying on even more aggressive price negotiations with the pharmaceutical industry.

Hillary Clinton's health plan would kill Joe Biden's cancer 'moonshot'

Vice President Joe Biden launched the “Cancer Moonshot” — his mission to cure cancer — this week, just as Hillary Clinton was shooting it down, along with the hopes of...

Hillary's vaccine price plan didn't work the first time for a reason

The zombie scheme to control drug costs by having the government set prices is back from the dead. Pundits in Forbes, The New Yorker and the Huffington Post have been...

How President Obama can spur 'precision medicine'

President Obama is calling on Congress to improve the nation’s health by increasing the development of precision medicines — treatments that target the underlying cause of life-threatening diseases. He says...

How the feds block Ebola cures

We have technology to potentially control Ebola and other viral outbreaks today. But the federal bureaucracy refuses to catch up with 21st-century science. For example, diagnostic startup Nanobiosym has an...

The cancer death-panel app

The latest innovation in cancer care isn’t a medical breakthrough but an app to ration new drugs. It’ll measure care in terms of what it costs health plans, instead of...

Death by Obamacare: 'Reform' reams cancer patients

ObamaCare is supposed to be a huge boon for anyone with a pre-existing condition. Count that another promise broken: It’s actually denying care because of pre-existing conditions. Millions of Americans...

Are we winning the war on cancer?

Are we really losing the war on cancer? Clifton Leaf’s provocative new book, “The Truth in Small Doses,” claims we are. He’s a bit off-base there — but his prescription...

An ugly way to get insurance

The good news: More Americans have health insurance. The bad news: It’s because they don’t have jobs. ObamaCare supporters hail the drop in the number of uninsured, announced by the...

Another deadly taste of ObamaCare

The US Preventive Services Task Force ruled last week that screening for prostate cancer is a waste of money. Get ready for many more such outrages: This is the agency...

A deadly hysteria

In Monday night’s debate, Michele Bachmann, Ron Paul and Rick Santorum all seemed to be auditioning for the role that Jude Law plays in the film “Contagion” -- Alan Krumwiede,...

O's bogus Rx for medical innovation

To stoke future biomedical innovation, President Obama is proposing to turn the National Institutes of Health into a drug company. The administration is set to establish a billion-dollar division of...

Why you can't get swine-flu vaccine

The shortage of swine-flu vaccine results not from drug- company greed or outsize demand but almost entirely from the government's decision to pander to unfounded and unscientific fear. As The...


Physician and researcher Dr. Paul Offit has spent most of his professional career advancing the understanding of the genetics of rotavirus, a disease that kills nearly 1 million children each...


In 1957, a remarkable man named Maurice Hilleman, a J.C. Penney salesman turned microbiologist, predicted and prevented a pandemic strain of the Asian flu. As detailed by Paul Offit in...


Melody Petersen has a drug problem. Not illicit ones, mind you, but prescription drugs. According to her new book "Our Daily Meds," the marketing of medicines has led people to...


Critical: What We Can Do About the Health-Care Crisis By Tom Daschle, with Scott S. Greenberger and Jeanne M. Lambrew Thomas Dunne Books Mark Twain said regarding health books in...


There have been plenty of arguments against stem cell research and abortion from a religious or ethical ground. The authors of "Embryo" try another tack: philosophical. Borrowing from Immanuel Kant,...


IF you thought Hillary Clinton had trouble making up her mind about drivers licenses for illegal aliens, wait until someone tries to pin her down about health care for illegals....