Richard Miniter, Zenger News

The Archive

Taliban kill squad hunting down Afghans —using America's own data to do it

The Taliban has mobilized a special unit, called Al Isha, to hunt down Afghans who helped US and allied forces — and it’s using US equipment and data to do...

What's the best way to get back at Russian hackers? Lawsuits

The recent indictments of 12 Russian intelligence officers raise two questions that ought to be asked of special counsel Robert Mueller: Why now? And what can we do about it?...

The cyberwar threat

The International Monetary Fund in Washington, DC, was hacked this month. The top suspect: China. The FBI and Homeland Security Department are investigating the hacking the week before of more...

KSM: Back to zero

The Obama administra tion's fumbling on trials for the 9/11 ter rorists turns out to be worse than anyone realized: It didn't just waste two years trying to hold a...

Just take out Khadafy

Slaughtering his own people and mocking the world's pleas for peace, Libya's Moammar Khadafy can only be stopped by force. President Obama is comfortable using Predator drone strikes to kill...

Letting another Qaeda bastion grow

TINDOUF, ALGERIA -- With a minefield at his back, Mohammed admires the lunar flatlands of the Sahara that are claimed by both Morocco's government and his rebel Polisario Front: "It...

No asylum for a hero?

The Obama administration goes to court today to try to deport an anti-terrorist hero. Why is our government working overtime to persecute Mosab Hassan Yousef, who saved hundreds of lives...


COLUMBIA University is about to give tenure to an anti-Israel ex tremist. Joseph Massad, an associate professor of modern Arab politics, has a history of shouting down his students. He...


THURSDAY morning, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi stepped out of her Georgetown home and into a government-owned black Chevy Tahoe SUV. That gas-guzzler truck took her directly to the Rayburn House...