Richard Goldberg

About the Author

Richard Goldberg, a senior advisor at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, is a former National Security Council official and senior US Senate aide.

The Archive

Post-Biden, we must secure the border to address the looming national-security threat

Two days after news broke that 50 ISIS-linked illegal migrants were on the loose in the US, Biden dismissed the threat of terrorists entering our country through the southern border.

As Hezbollah escalates attacks at Iran's behest, Israel must stop an 'unsustainable' assault

Iran’s multi-front war on Israel escalated this week as Tehran’s flagship terrorist proxy rained down missiles and drones on northern Israeli towns killing an Israeli soldier and leaving more wounded.

Defund ICC's ‘kangaroo court’ for its anti-Israel lawfare

The ICC’s indictment of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant for alleged war crimes has nothing to do with law and everything to do with lawfare.

Biden may be holding up ammo to Israel — Congress must stop him

President Biden appears so desperate to stop Israel from destroying Hamas in Gaza that he’s reportedly delaying munition shipments to put even more pressure on Jerusalem to let the terrorist...

The epic fail of Biden's doctrine vs. Iran -- no consequences

President Biden needs to face reality: His policies of appeasing Iran while waging political warfare against Israel led Tehran to conclude it could launch a massive attack on Israel and...

Did Israel surrender to White House pressure in Gaza? Iran likely thinks so

Just 72 hours after President Biden all but threatened to cut off US support for Israel, the Israeli military marked the Oct. 7 massacre’s six-month anniversary by announcing its withdrawal...

Bring them home . . . or not — Biden just sold out Israeli hostages at the United Nations

President Biden cleared the way for the UN Security Council to adopt a resolution demanding Israel suspend its counterterrorism operations in Gaza without conditioning any cease-fire on the release of...

Biden continues Iran's access to $10 billion just weeks after its proxy killed three American soldiers

Just six weeks after an Iran-backed drone strike killed three American soldiers in Jordan, President Biden has approved a sanctions waiver giving Tehran continued access to more than $10 billion.

Biden should draw red lines for Hamas — not Israel

An Israeli victory over Hamas is now a red line for a president surrendering to a pro-Hamas political base.

Biden's got blood on hands after appeasing Iran for years

President Biden has for three years obsessively pursued a dangerous and naive strategy toward Iran: Appeasement at any cost. Three American service members paid that cost in blood this weekend...

Pathetic: As Hamas plays sick games with hostages 100 days in, Biden whines he's losing patience with Israel

One hundred days. That’s reportedly how long the world’s only Jewish state is allowed to fight for its survival against a barbaric, Iranian-backed terrorist organization.

With Tehran closer to nukes, Congress must end Biden’s Iran appeasement before it’s too late 

President Biden’s three years of appeasing Iran has brought the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism closer than ever to developing a nuclear weapon. 

President Biden must face reality: It's time to act vs. Iran

The latest escalation against the USS Carney and three other ships, one British-owned, did not arrive in a vacuum.

How many aid groups knew Hamas was hiding in a hospital and lied about it?

Hamas used Gaza City’s Shifa hospital as a base of terror operations, that’s the obvious conclusion following Sunday’s discovery.

Hamas commits war crimes in hospitals and mosques, but world says nothing

Hamas supporters in New York and London took to the streets this weekend to pressure the American and British governments to cut off support for Israel’s war on terrorism.

Biden is being played by Hamas, Iran and Qatar — with American and Israeli lives at stake

President Biden promised the American people that they would hold Iran accountable for its sponsorship of Hamas.

What the US and Israel need to do next in face of Iran terror

Americans watched in shock and disbelief this weekend as horrific videos spread across social media documenting the largest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust.

Biden has a secret, illegal deal with Iran that gives mullahs everything they want

President Joe Biden this week formally approved giving the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism another $6 billion — ostensibly for the release of five Americans held hostage in Tehran.

Biden weakness on Russia's hostage-taking puts Americans abroad at risk

Russian President Vladimir Putin dealt a significant blow to the safety of Americans living and traveling abroad last week with the abduction of Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich.

More outrageous UN anti-Semitism: High-level official says Israel to blame for Palestinians murdering Jews

A Palestinian resident of East Jerusalem plowed his car into a busy Jerusalem bus stop Friday, killing three Israelis, including 6- and 8-year-old brothers.