Ray Domanico

The Archive

Adams must use mayoral control to better NYC's schools —or he'll lose it for good

Adams needs to look in the mirror and ask himself what he has done to gain parents' support and prove that he is using the power of mayoral control to...

The truth behind 'extremely encouraging' NYC student test scores deserves a failing grade

If the scores on comparable tests go up next year, I’ll be the first to congratulate the chancellor and the teachers who made it happen. Until then, when asked if...

New York needs school choice, not more money for ever-worse results

It’s time for New York’s leadership to stop throwing money at the problem and instead think creatively about new approaches.

Albany's mayoral-control bill would sabotage schools — and city students

The state Legislature has chosen to gut mayoral control of New York City’s public-school system, modifying, for dubious reasons, what has been an effective system.

Albany's ridiculous reluctance to lift the charter cap is based on fiction

New York’s Legislature is unmoved by the desperate desire of city families to have access to more high-quality charter schools.

Time's running out for Albany to correct its obscene failure to renew mayoral control of NYC schools

Albany’s failure this week to renew it in this year’s budget deal betrayed an obscene cynicism that needs to be overcome immediately.

To fix schools in NYC, return to the strategy of closing bad ones

Mayor Adams and Chancellor David Banks are well suited to get the public education system in New York City on the right path once again.

Enrollment in NYC public schools drops again — giving Adams and Banks an opportunity to better serve students

The State Education Department revealed that city public school enrollment in kindergarten to eighth grade is down 12% since the last pre-pandemic year.

NYC's chancellor, David Banks, has proved public schools can improve

More than 930,000 students in New York City’s public-school system are amenable for improvement, proven by School Chancellor David Banks.

His team's trying to hide it, but de Blasio's bungling has parents fleeing NYC schools

Mayor-elect Eric Adams won on a common-sense platform of making critical city services more efficient. Nowhere is the need clearer than in Gotham’s school system.

SUNY chair Merryl Tisch is right: It's time to lift the cap on NYC charter schools

Let’s all hope lawmakers listen to SUNY Chair Merryl Tisch's voice of reason and drop their ideological opposition to the expansion of educational opportunity to low-income children of color in...

Rebooting NYC schools means dropping ideology and embracing choice

It’s a grim reality that should send shivers down the spines of parents considering a move to New York City: Gotham’s public-school students have lost more than a year of...

How the next mayor and chancellor can fix NYC's broken schools

New York City’s schools are in a state of urgent decline. Struggling to hold students accountable for basic attendance, let alone evaluate schoolwork and grades, leaders blame COVID-19. The reality?...

By bending to teachers union, de Blasio repeatedly fails NY schoolchildren

Mayor de Blasio’s decision to reopen the schools to preschool and elementary kids this week is a welcome first step on the road to normalcy. But it follows a series...

Send coronavirus relief to all schools — not just public ones

With a second round of CARES Act funding on the line, it’s time for Sens. Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand, as well as New York’s 27 House members, to step...

NYC schools must have real plan for reopening in September: Here's the basics

Remote learning for students via city schools has been hit-or-miss. That cannot continue in the upcoming school year; students have lost enough learning time already. When the pandemic hit, schools...

Test results show most NYC public schools doing fine — but some utter disasters

The coronavirus is presenting great challenges to Gotham’s educators, students and their families. But this, too, shall pass, and we will return to the unending task of improving our schools...

Queens is seeing through Richard Carranza's bull

Schools Chancellor Richard Carranza has a vision of social justice — one in which classroom order and discipline are a form of oppression and those in need can only be...

All Hallows: A jewel of a school in the Bronx

"In the All Hallows HS vision, all students are children of God, deserving the best." For more than 100 years, All Hallows High School in the Bronx has been educating...

De Blasio embraced school innovation, but will he stay the course?

Kudos to Mayor Bill de Blasio and Schools Chancellor Richard Carranza for their plan to create innovative new schools and restructure existing ones with new programs. There’s no guarantee of...