Phyllis Chesler

The Archive

Response to Hamas horror shows the feminist movement has lost its moral compass

Dozens of people held a sit-in protest and were later arrested by US Capitol Police, in the Cannon House Office Building.

When America gives up on Afghanistan, its women will pay

President Trump’s call for a withdrawal from Afgahanistan raises a troubling question: Is the West morally obliged to persist in a struggle that can’t be won? How much blood and...

Anti-Trump protesters don't know what a real dictator is

Will every American who’s weep­ing, emotionally devastated and throwing up — please just get a grip? It’s time to stop acting like we’re living through the Arab Spring. The protesters...

Shouldn't we first help the Christian victims of Mideast genocide?

Before dawn Monday, four suicide bombers killed five and wounded at least a dozen in the Lebanese Christian town of al-Qaa. Later that night, as townspeople prepared to bury their...

This bigoted radical doesn't deserve a 'feminist artist' award

Angela Davis is neither a feminist nor an artist. But that doesn’t matter, apparently, to the Brooklyn Museum. The museum’s Elizabeth Sackler Center for Feminist Art, together with Gloria Steinem,...

By covering up too much, Western women betray their Muslim-world sisters

The stewardesses of Air France are outraged and have just refused to don headscarves when they fly into Tehran, as the mullahs have demanded. Viva La France! The French stewardesses...

How academia whitewashes Muslim honor killings

The whitewashing of Muslim honor killings in America has seeped into academia. And the PC police have found a new scapegoat: Hindu Americans. In January, the Journal of Family Violence...

'Women's studies' is betraying women under Sharia law

Last week, the National Women’s Studies Association membership voted to boycott Israel. The resolution reads, in part: “As feminist scholars, activists, teachers, and public intellectuals . . . we cannot overlook injustice...

The heroes working to rescue ISIS's core victims

‘I’ve been raped 30 times and it’s not even lunchtime,” cried one young Yazidi woman in a dangerous and desperate call. Chillingly, she begged the man on the line, someone...

As ISIS brutalizes women, a pathetic feminist silence

Oh, how the feminist movement has lost its way. And the deafening silence over ISIS’s latest brutal crimes makes that all too clear. Fifty years ago, American women launched a...

A new war against the 'oldest hatred'

Anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism — two sides of the same coin — are raging yet again. They are brutally alive in the Middle East, Europe and even here in America. Yet...

Empowering jihad: The deadly myth of a 'root cause'

Reports that “Jihadi John,” the British-accented narrator of ISIS snuff videos, is Mohammed Emwazi — an educated young man from a middle-class background — ought to put the final stake...

Why are jihadis so obsessed with porn?

Recently, London Mayor Boris Johnson described Jihadists as “porn driven losers” who have "low self-esteem and are unsuccessful with women." He's on to something important and profound. According to Syrian...

The four Saudi princesses: Obama mum on plight of Muslim women

President Obama, who chose not to join France’s march for freedom, cut his state visit to democratic, nuclear India short in order to stop in Saudi Arabia Tuesday to pay...

Opera v. truth: The fetid fouls of 'Death of Klinghoffer'

I love opera. For almost three years, I regularly contributed to NPR’s “At the Opera.” I attend the Metropolitan Opera House as often as I can. But the decision to...

My life of hell in an Afghan harem

Phyllis Chesler, 72, is a feminist scholar and a professor emerita of psychology and women’s studies at City University of New York. In her 14th book, “An American Bride in...