Peter Robinson

The Archive

The unbelievable night the Berlin Wall fell

Two scenes from the end of the Cold War: Scene one: On June 12, 1987, President Reagan stood before the Berlin Wall, the Brandenburg Gate rising behind him, to challenge...

The gracious toughness of my old boss, George H.W. Bush

Graciousness and toughness. Contradictory attributes though these may seem, in George Herbert Walker Bush they existed in equal, remarkably abundant measure. Start with the toughness. After the Japanese attacked Pearl...

Remembering the Formidable Matriarch, Barbara Bush

I first came to her attention after a 1982 event in Minneapolis at which George H.W. Bush, then vice president, delivered a speech I had written. Aboard Air Force II,...

Why Nancy Reagan was the indispensable woman

Two tales of Nancy Reagan: The first took place during Ronald Reagan’s 1966 campaign for governor of California. Dana Rohrabacher, now a member of Congress but then just a college...