New York Post

The Archive

Broncos have second employee facing DUI charges

Talk about bad timing.Just days after Denver Broncos director of player personnel, Matt Russell, was charged with driving under the influence, another top employee is facing the same charge. Tom...

WATCH: The best NBA video bombs of this past season

On Monday, released a compilation of the best video bombs of the past season. It just might make Chris Bosh look a little bit better after his Finals performance.From...

Former NBA star Arenas arrested with 100 pounds of fireworks: report

It looks like Gilbert Arenas was going to have an explosive Fourth of July.According to TMZ, the former NBA star was pulled over by California police for speeding on an...

Credit to private sector: One measure of how badly we're doing

We interviewed Prof. James Gwartney, one of the authors of the "Fraser Institute's Economic Freedom of the World: 2012 Annual Report" the other day and along with enjoying the conversation,...

Down with tax refunds! Keep your money longer

Obamacare is going to make the IRS our healthcare enforcer, Byron York correctly explains. And Mitt Romney ought to hammer President Obama on this ugly reality when they debate tomorrow....

The Obama tax hikes

$3,500 more in taxes for the average American family.$2,00 more in taxes for middle-income filers, $400 more in taxes for the poorest households and $120,000 more for the wealthiest. All...

By every measure Obama's Iraq policy a failure

At least President Obama can claim that he's consistent. No part of his Middle East policy is successful, least of all his claims of success as regards Iraq.According to this...

Californians flee so Brown offers perks for illegals

The Golden State is quickly losing its lustre as million of Californians flee the high unemployment, high tax and high congestion for better opportunities elsewhere. As the Manhattan Institute details...

Romney fights for Pennsylvania

The San Francisco Chronicle reports that Republican Mitt Romney is actually keeping his promise to spend more time in swing states than he has lately. Today Romney is in Pennsylvania,...

Doing something about Syria

Given his rhetoric at the Democratic National Convention, President Obama seems to want to limit his foreign policy achievements to killing Osama bin Laden. In light of the administration's embarrassing...

No real victims to "crime" of voter ID

Lawyers fighting the Pennsylvania voter ID law will do anything to stop the law from taking effect so they are dragging anyone they can find into court to "show" that...

Obama's hypocrisy on display at UN

Among the platitudes spoken by President Obama at the UN today was this perfectly correct assertion: "Given the power of faith in our lives, and the passion that religious differences...

Bad news for Obama, even if he wins

Can you run an administration on executive orders alone? That is the question facing President Obama should he manage to win reelection in November. The question is pertinent because according...

Obama on his campaign: "Overboard," "sharp," but I'm blocking "noise"

Bet President Obama would prefer to go back to the days when he was talking to "60 Minutes" about his mother-in-law and being home with his family for dinner, because...

State by state, tide is turning against pot prohibition

Voters in Washington State will go to the polls in November and one liberal newspaper is telling them to vote for legalizing marijuana. The editors at the Seattle Times argue...

A bipartisan slap at Iran, but where's Obama?

Two US senators from either side of the political divide have come together in their opposition to Iranian calls for the destruction of Israel. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) and Sen....

Democrats kill a middle-class jobs bill

House Democrats killed a middle-class jobs bill yesterday. Why? Because they can't allow a Republican idea to win. Instead of trying to do whatever they can to create jobs and grow...

Pittsburgh rethinks fracking ban

Here's the truth about enacting a ban on hydraulic fracturing ("fracking") in your city or town. It may get you some headlines but long-term it is bad for business, all...

Even Democrats admit it isn't about a video

Apparently, the Obama White House didn't get the memo because even fellow Democrats understand that the current violence in the Middle East has nothing to do with an Internet video...

How to respond to Egypt

President Obama is getting some pretty high-level advice about how the administration should respond to Egypt, now that that country has abrogated international norms and standards by failing to protect...