Michael Kunzelman

The Archive

Residents told to repay aid funds given to them two years ago

The disabled, elderly and mostly poor residents of an assisted-living center in Queens spent four miserable months in shelters after Hurricane Sandy, and now they’re getting hammered again — by...

BP money blowout

NEW ORLEANS — BP said yesterday that it will pay $4.5 billion in a settlement with the US government over the disastrous 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico...

Costner court win

A New Orleans federal jury yesterday rejected claims that Kevin Costner duped fellow actor Stephen Baldwin out of millions of dollars in a deal to sell BP high-tech devices that...

Floodgates of hell

BUTTE LAROSE, La. -- Over the next few days, water spewing through a Mississippi River floodgate will crawl through the swamps of Louisiana's Cajun country, chasing people and animals to...