Michael Gartland

The Archive

Former owner of NYC's loudest bar is new 'night mayor'

Mayor Bill de Blasio's bringing the noise. The former owner of what was once labeled the city's loudest watering hole will be the city's first so-called "night mayor." Ariel Palitz,...

Union accused of tricking developer into paying 'coffee boys' $42 an hour

Manhattan’s largest development company says it was snookered into paying union workers $42 an hour — and a lot more for overtime — just to deliver coffee at its Hudson...

These NYC neighborhoods have the most noise complaints

They’re the neighborhoods that never sleep. Washington Heights and Inwood are the city’s noisiest area — and they have been for more than a decade, with their residents consistently lodging...

Taxpayers to foot bill for city officials' trip to Florida

Three top city officials are bound for Florida — and taxpayers will be picking up the tab. Comptroller Scott String­er, Public Advocate Letitia James and Buildings Department Commissioner Rick Chandler...

Aide suspended for insensitive comments is still getting paid

The Harlem state senator who said he suspended an aide for making insensitive comments about Asians and women has continued to pay him without interruption since the social media posts...

De Blasio admin blamed for NYCHA complex's heating delay

The de Blasio administration's decision to withhold bond financing from a Queens real estate development will delay heating improvements at an adjacent public housing complex for at least three years,...

Street named for hero cop killed 30 years ago

The street in front of the Queens station house where rookie cop Eddie Byrne worked before he was slain was named in his honor Monday. “This is a moment to...

New bills would allow 311 to field complaints about NYCHA

The city’s 311 operators would be required to field complaints about the New York City Housing Authority under a raft of new bills unveiled Monday by state legislators. Currently, 311...

DeFrancisco accuses Cuomo of enabling pay-to-play culture

Republican gubernatorial hopeful John DeFrancisco attacked Gov. Cuomo on Sunday for allowing a culture of "corruption" and "pay-to-play" to flourish through his economic policies. DeFrancisco, the deputy state senate majority...

Comptroller wants to use Battery Park money to fund NYCHA

Comptroller Scott Stringer wants to tap into millions of dollars raised by the Battery Park City Authority each year to help fund the New York City Housing Authority's crumbling infrastructure....

The city still hasn't selected a 'nightlife mayor'

New Yorkers are still in the dark over who will become the city’s first “nightlife mayor.” Mayor Bill de Blasio announced the new post last fall at the uber-hip House...

City Council wants to know why de Blasio yanked $43.5M in city financing

The City Council is investigating why the de Blasio administration suddenly yanked $43.5 million in financing from an affordable housing project in Queens that would also have provided money for...

Diaz Jr. slams NYCHA for not fixing boilers in public housing

This is a whole new spin on the old saw, “They can put a man on the moon but ...” Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. called out Mayor de...

Mayor not helping to protect Rikers officers: union head

The president of the city’s corrections officers union said Sunday that Mayor de Blasio’s handling of Rikers Island is worse than anything in decades, declaring that even embattled Mayor David...

Council members ask Cuomo to declare state of emergency for NYCHA

Four City Council members asked Gov. Cuomo on Thursday to declare a state of emergency so repairs can be expedited at the New York City Housing Authority. Councilman Robert Cornegy...

Dangerous Rikers inmates could be heading to your part of town

Rikers Island just keeps getting more dangerous — and now it’s coming to your backyard. Mayor Bill de Blasio on Wednesday unveiled his long-awaited plan to close the troubled jail...

Councilman ordered to get sensitivity training after harassment probe

A Bronx City Councilman was ordered to take sensitivity training after an ethics panel found Monday that he paid "unwanted attention" to a female staffer. The Council's Committee on Standards...

Ads will attack de Blasio's lawsuits against oil companies

An ad campaign attacking Mayor de Blasio’s plan to sue oil companies over climate change is set to launch Monday. The Manufacturers’ Accountability Project — a brainchild of the National...

Deputy mayor asked to testify over NYCHA scandals

Smooth move, genius. A deputy mayor who publicly called City Council members “not that smart” may soon find out what a bone-headed move that was, as legislators are demanding she...

Another child dies in NYC from flu

A 5-year-old Brooklyn girl has become the fourth child in the city to die from the flu in the past two weeks, authorities said Sunday — as doctors urged parents...