Michael A. Walsh

The Archive

How the Obamas could easily win eight more years in the White House

As the president of the United States shelters in place with the White House press corps, and Joe Biden gibbers senselessly into the GoPro camera in his Delaware basement, this...

A leak witch hunt

The Obama administration’s response to high-profile leaks may cause more problems than it solves. In the wake of Army Pfc. Bradley Manning’s theft of military intelligence documents, splashed all over...

Celebrating liberty as it slips away

‘It captures the spirit of our Founders, the spirit they wrote in the Declaration of Independence: life, liberty,and pursuit of happiness,” said Nancy Pelosi the other day. But the “it”...

Pricey Attack on Phantom ‘Warming’

There hasn’t been much evidence of “global warming” for at least 15 years. If anything, “cooling” has kicked in as part of an eternal cycle that stretches back through history....

O’s rotten road trip

First he mistook Britain’s chancellor of the exchequer for a soul singer, calling him Jeffrey Osborne instead of George. Then he explained to an audience in sectarian Belfast that, in...

The ‘scandalanche’ & the data-mining

The “revelations” of National Security Agency data-mining of phone records and Internet use were no news to those who’d been paying attention. It’s only the rest of the Obama “scandalanche”...

IRS mess is bigger than bam

Abolish the Internal Revenue Service? So says Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas): “We ought to abolish the IRS and instead move to a simple flat tax where the average American can...

Holder’s chutzpah

So Attorney General Eric Holder invited members of the media — some of whom his Justice Department had expressly targeted for surveillance under dubious national-security claims — in for sit-down,...

How does Holder survive?

If you want to see the true face of the Obama administration, you need look no further than the president’s embattled attorney general, Eric Holder. By turns whiny, shifty, obfuscatory,...

The ‘Criminal’ press

The Justice Department’s secret seizure of phone records from The Associated Press and its monitoring of Fox News reporter James Rosen are nothing less than thuggish attempts to criminalize the...

Holder plays dumb

Attorney General Eric Holder was in a familiar spot yesterday: testifying before the House Judiciary Committee, dodging and weaving and otherwise doing his best imitation of Sgt. Schultz from the...

The real Benghazi price

The political ramifications of Wednesday’s hearing on the Benghazi fiasco are actually secondary to two far more serious issues: the continuing politicization of the Intelligence Community and the shocking state...

A hope for answers

On Wednesday, the FBI released photos of three men present at the deadly jihadist attack on the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya; the bureau has asked the Libyans’ help in...

Gosnell’s horrors & our abortion war

Without calling a single witness, the defense yesterday rested in the cast of Dr. Kermit Gosnell, the Philadelphia abortionist facing five counts of murder. That’s one count of murder for...

The big worries about next time

Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, and his 19-year-old brother Dzhokhar came to this country 10 years ago as refugees from two wars of independence their countrymen fought, and ultimately lost, against the...

Perils of a politically correct pentagon

One of the core functions of government is to defend the nation from all enemies, foreign and domestic — that’s part of the oath of enlistment that all service personnel...

Science & the Shroud

Something remarkable happened in Rome this week at the intersection of faith and science: Pope Francis’ televised Easter message to the world included footage of the Shroud of Turin —...

A nation suckered

No doubt you were shocked, shocked to learn that Jeffrey Hillman, the “barefoot beggar” who famously received a free pair of boots from a kindly NYPD cop, turned out to...

Old bureaucrats never die

With the country facing a nearly $17 trillion — and rising — national debt, it’s somehow comforting to know that we still have enough money to pay $876 a year...

The people’s pope

By the first act of his papacy, Pope Francis sent a message, urbi et orbi (to the city and the world) about just what kind of pope he’s going to...