Judith Miller

The Archive

France is failing to fight its rising tide of anti-Semitism

The most dangerous place to be a Jew in Europe is France. That’s the conclusion of an unpublished, two-year report on anti-Semitism in 11 European countries, conducted by former NYPD Commissioner...

The NYPD is ready if Iran tries to strike here

The New York Police Department has boosted security to thwart potential terrorist attacks following Iran’s threats to punish America for killing its top military general, Qassem Soleimani, in Iraq. Though...

Jeffrey Epstein's 'suicide' in jail is unfathomable

Here are a few things I know firsthand about being in jail. First and foremost, you have virtually no control over your life and surroundings. You can’t get so much...

NYU stands up to the Israel-haters

It’s not unusual these days for Israel to be denounced on college campuses as a racist state that should be boycotted for its mistreatment of Palestinians and other violations of...

Democrats need to oust anti-Semite Ilhan Omar from the Foreign Affairs Committee

Democratic leaders will put forward a vote on the House floor Wednesday to denounce anti-Semitism in the wake of Rep. Ilhan Omar’s latest inflammatory remarks about Jewish support for Israel....

Inside the terrible, no good mess of the Port Authority police

Scandal continues to plague the Port Authority, the bi-state agency that is supposed to ensure the security and safe operation not only of America’s highest value terrorism target, the 16-acre...

The next US victory in Iraq may just mean another crisis

President Obama could end his presidency with a crisis in Iraq of his own making. In April, the president said the conditions for liberating Mosul from the Islamic State should...

After the Arab spring

CAIRO — When Egyptians go to the polls Wednesday and Thursday, they will be choosing not only Egypt’s first democratically elected president, but also the future identity and political direction...

Get home to Egypt!

Want to meet Egyptian pro-democracy activists? Come to New York? In recent weeks, Egyptian actor and film maker Khaled Abol Naga came to Columbia University to dicsuss his days in...

The NYPD's post-Osama challenge

Police Commissioner Ray Kelly got a heads-up: FBI Director Robert Muel ler phoned Sunday night with early warning of President Obama's pending announcement that Navy SEAL Team 6 had killed...

Teen recruited by Al Qaeda to bomb target in Yemen

DUBAI — Counter-terrorism authorities are hunting for a 16-year-old boy from northern Yemen suspected of having been recruited by al-Qaeda to be a homicide bomber at foreign targets in the...

A bullet dodged

THE 12-page indictment against Najibullah Zazi should make it clear that Americans, especially New Yorkers, have dodged yet another bullet -- or, in this harrowing case, a weapon of mass...


PRESIDENT Obama fulfilled a campaign promise yesterday by delivering an eloquent, important speech to Muslims that should prompt Middle Eastern soul-searching for months to come. Much of what he said...


ON April 20, Detroit Free Press reporter David Ashenfelter may win his second Pulitzer Prize. The next day, he may head to jail. Ashenfelter, 60, is the latest reporter to...


Every day since 9/11, there have been plots against New York City, says David Cohen, the police department's intelligence chief. "What that plot consists of, who's doing it, and where...


THE latest battle in the intermittent war between the New York Police Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation has ended in a truce with the appointment of a well-respected...


LAST month, I visited one of the largest Islamic schools in the Middle East. It's run by the US military - for detainees in Iraq. The suspected insurgents also participate...


THE latest apparent flap be tween the FBI and the NYPD turns on a factor that the intelligence world sometimes shares with the real-estate business: What matters is location, location,...


NOTHING gets a journalist's attention like a subpoena. While authoritarian regimes silence critics by murdering or jailing them, journalists (and other critics) in the United States face gentler, but still...


SINCE 9/11, the NYPD has broken up, or helped break up, at least seven serious terror plots. New Yorkers have become familiar with the department's "in your face" terror exercises,...