Josh Margolin

The Archive

Feds’ Sandy fiasco

The feds weren’t ready to handle even the most basic needs of their own workers as Hurricane Sandy walloped the region last fall, records obtained by The Post reveal. Government...

Quick-heist gang bags 700G in high-end purses

A slick crew of thieves swiped hundreds of designer handbags from ritzy Manhattan shops — sometimes using stolen cars to smash through shimmering storefronts, sources told The Post.The quick-moving crooks...

New doubt on CIA pick

The CIA lawyer who gave the final approval to use waterboarding and other harsh interrogation techniques in the war on terror last night rebutted public comments by President Obama’s nominee...

PA Lieutenant who responded to 'Miracle on the Hudson' now embroiled in controversy: report

He’s New York’s “Bad Lieutenant.” In four years, Port Authority Lt. Patric Mangieri has gone from hero cop of the Hudson to police pariah as his superiors try to drum...

ID ‘thief’ is pseudo-dim

This ID thief should have used a fake name.Muhammad Shafiq — on the run after being charged in a massive international identity-fraud bust — was nailed by the feds when...

$2.5M Ponzi-scheme busts

NFL Hall of Famer Emmitt Smith and comedian-turned-TV host Steve Harvey are among the victims of three alleged fraudsters busted yesterday in a $2.5 million Ponzi scheme, a law-enforcement source...

Turkey ma’s shady pals

FBI agents probing the murder of a Staten Island mom in Turkey said they don’t believe she was there just to take pictures — and said she hung out with...

$200M credit ring broken

A New Jersey-based crime ring with New York ties used fake identities to create 25,000 bogus credit cards and steal more than $200 million, federal officials said yesterday.Agents arrested 18...

Credit card scammers steal more than $200M

A New Jersey-based crime ring with New York ties used fake identities to create 25,000 bogus credit cards and steal more than $200 million in one of the largest schemes...

Ellis Island to remain closed for up to a year after Sandy devastation

Hurricane Sandy was an unwelcome new arrival to Ellis Island. The national landmark has been closed to visitors since the October storm — and will remain closed for up to...

Changes to New York’s 911 emergency-response system are almost done

Big changes are coming to the city’s problem-plagued 911 system. Mayor Bloomberg is putting the finishing touches on a package of fixes to his centerpiece, $2 billion project, which has...

Next year's NY-NJ Super Bowl could be too cold for halftime musical act

Hope you enjoyed Beyoncé, football fans, because next year, there may not be a halftime show at the frigid Meadowlands Super Bowl. There is no plan for one at Super...

FBI probing accusation that NJ Sen. Menendez had sex with underage prostitutes in Dominican Republic

The feds are investigating accusations that New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez had sex with underage hookers on trips to the Dominican Republic, The Post has learned. “Clearly, they [FBI agents]...

Khalid silence stalls hearing

Terror beast Khalid Sheik Mohammed is at it again.The accused 9/11 mastermind delayed pretrial hearings at Guantanamo Bay by refusing to respond to questions from the judge.Once court got under...

Port Authority to nix World Trade Center security detail with city cops

Officials at the Port Authority, which controls the 16-acre World Trade Center site, are planning to tear up a 4-year-old deal to allow the NYPD to run security at Ground...

‘Wall St.’ flees NY for tax-free Fla.

The city’s hedge-fund executives are flying south — and it’s not for vacation. An increasing number of financial firms, especially private equity and hedge funds, are fed up with New...

Gotham unions plan arbitration pay-cap fight

New York City’s powerful union leaders are preparing an offensive to fight Gov. Cuomo’s plan to impose a 2 percent cap on binding-arbitration awards they fear could limit salary increases,...

New WTC security chief says it will 'take a community to protect this complex'

The new chief of security at the 16-acre World Trade Center is a veteran of the Secret Service who was responsible for internal White House safety. The Port Authority hired...

Inspections up in year after exec crushed in elevator accident

City inspectors have cracked down on elevator violations in the year after an ad executive was killed in a freak accident, The Post has learned. Regulators have slapped property owners...

Blue humor: Mafioso’s comic diminutive

Federal investigators believe that reputed Genovese family associate Carmine Franco got his “Papa Smurf” underworld nickname because fellow wiseguys just couldn’t help but think of the 1980s mushroom-dwelling cartoon character...