Jonathon Trugman

Jonathon Trugman

The Archive

Departure of chief designer Jony Ive is rotten for Apple

When Jony Ive, Apple’s longtime chief design officer, exited late last month, it was as big a loss as could be for the company. Ive changed the world under Steve...

Bitcoin not built to last, despite recent surge

Last week we saw bitcoin, the great hope of cryptocurrency, skyrocket to over $13,000. It was in the vicinity of $3,200 as recently as December. Why? Maybe it was Facebook’s...

AOC attacks Amazon with 'absurd' allegations

In case you missed it, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez — aka AOC — picked quite a fight last week. On ABC News’ “This Week” last Sunday, she attacked Amazon for paying entry-level,...

The market's showing sparks of life with recent mergers, acquisitions

While Main Street investors had some trepidation over their portfolios during the six-week-long pullback in the stock market, the pros see many positives. Sell-offs are a common corrective action, which...

Tariffs could be the Fed's excuse to cut interest rates

The Federal Reserve needs an excuse to cut rates at its next meeting, and it will point to the tariffs as an impetus to cut. But let’s call it what...

'Jaded' de Blasio has bungled NYC's relationship with Amazon

Last week in an exclusive story in The Post, it was reported that Amazon is looking very closely at a couple of extremely large spaces in Midtown. While most mayors...

Here's why you should pay your interns

There are few endeavors more enriching or beneficial for college kids than a summer internship. It both complements and supplements their studies, and offers a glimpse into a potential career...

How tax cuts translate to pay hikes for all

Ignore how some ignorant economists say about the rich getting richer. Tax cuts are a pay raise for all, especially the minimum wage earners and entry-level employees.

Chris Hughes was almost right about breaking up Facebook

So on my Thursday morning commute, when I was finished reading The Post, I opened to the op-ed page in the New York Times that a friend pointed out to...

Federal Reserve must learn to leave the stock market alone

President Trump was elected as a Washington outsider and a political and economic disruptor — someone to fight for the people, not his own political donors or Washington lifers. However,...

How to fix our looming Social Security disaster

In case you missed it, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) spoke on the future of Social Security, saying there’s not enough political will in Washington to make the necessary adjustments to...

Student debt is the real killer

’Tis the season when kids across America make the decision to commit to a college. It should be a very exciting time in a 17-year-old’s life. But it places daunting...

Entertainment tax credits show hypocrisy of New York budget

Tucked away neatly inside New York’s recently released $175 billion budget is a level of hypocrisy so rich that it could only be produced by the state’s political machine. I’m...

Cutting NY taxes will eventually increase state, city revenue

It’s said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. New York has been doing just that with taxes,...

Welcome to the era of $10 billion tech giants

Get ready, the march of the “decacorns” is coming to Wall Street. What’s a decacorn? A few short years ago, if you were a private company with a valuation north...

It's time for Cuomo and de Blasio to invite Amazon to Manhattan

Google reaffirmed its commitment to New York last week. Its real estate chief, Paul Darrah, told a conference the tech giant plans to double in size over the coming decade....

Voters won't remember Ocasio-Cortez's Amazon bullying kindly

Last Thursday marked one month since Amazon broke up with Long Island City on Valentine’s Day after Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez went full frontal assault on the idea. While Ocasio-Cortez pretends to...

Announcement shows privacy is no longer lost on Facebook

Mark Zuckerberg just admitted on Wednesday that people value their privacy quite a bit. After Facebook put itself in a public relations pickle over privacy — a nightmare that had...

Don't listen to the naysayers — Trump's economy is booming

It’s very strange how politically bent “economists” can look at President Trump’s raw economic data and question his success. Last week’s strong GDP report of 2.9 percent growth for 2018...

The Federal Reserve needs to get with the times

It’s time for the Federal Reserve to join the 21st century. For years, the central bank has lamented that inflation is running below the 2 percent level desired by its...