Jonathan Schanzer

About the Author

Jonathan Schanzer is senior vice president for research at Foundation for Defense of Democracies.

The Archive

The Middle East could get even uglier, with Lebanon's Iran-backed Hezbollah ready to wage war on Israel

A brutal war is looming between the Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah and Israel.

Iran-backed narco-terrorists are making billions and widening the war in the Middle East

Jordan’s narco-battles have received scant attention but are part and parcel of Iran’s multifront offensive against the United States and its allies across the region.

False hope and fracture kept Israel from seeing Hamas' evil plan

In the aftermath of the Hamas terrorist attack that left 1,300 dead, Israelis are shocked and saddened. A war is imminent, and Hamas is not likely to survive it. But...

Biden's State Department ignores Iranian death plots inside America

The recent surge in Iranian assassination plots against American citizens can be attributed in part to the regime’s thirst for revenge after the January 2020 targeted killing of Qassem Soleimani.

A victorious Taliban is inspiring a new generation of Islamic extremists

Afghanistan is once again a safe haven for Al Qaeda.

No one believes Biden has a red line in Ukraine after Obama's Syria debacle

Biden himself recently warned of “consequences” if Moscow uses chemical weapons in Ukraine. For our allies in the Middle East, these threats ring as hollow today as they did in...

Biden's overtures to Iran undercut US bid to end Hamas-Israel conflict

The likelihood of a successful Biden administration mission to broker calm between Israel and Hamas is low because President Biden's Middle East foreign policy is simply out of sync.

How Trump can expose biggest lie in Middle East: Palestinian 'refugee' myth

The Trump administration may be on its way out, but it can still ­advance American interests between now and January. This is particularly true in the Middle East, where White...

Israel's next peace deal will be with Sudan

On the heels of the historic peace accords Israel signed last week with Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates, another regional deal is now possible. Sudan, once a terror safe...

Trump gave Erdogan everything he wanted

President Trump announced in a surprise statement on Wednesday that the United States would be lifting all sanctions imposed on Turkey for its recent ­offensive against Kurdish fighters in northeastern...

Turkey is now a haven for terrorists and an enabler of terrorism

On Monday, four children of an American and his Israeli wife killed by the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas in 2015 filed suit against Turkey’s Kuveyt Turk Bank in a New...

Here's how to hit the Saudis -- and still serve US interests

Saudi-US ties are at their lowest since the 9/11 attacks. The Desert Kingdom is under fire from US lawmakers for the disappearance of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, who walked into the...

In Saudi-Canada standoff, Riyadh should stand down

The last time Canada undertook an act of aggression was in 1999, when it declared war on the United States — in the comedic universe of “South Park,” that is....

Kuwait best get with the program – or be prepared to face Trump’s wrath

There’s a new hitch in President Trump’s plan to form a united front among Gulf states and Israel against Iran. Kuwait’s ambassador to the United Nations this month lambasted Israel,...

Mike Pompeo just gave the Iran speech Kerry should have given

In his first major speech as secretary of state — a searing 20-minute stemwinder — Mike Pompeo on Monday laid out the new US strategy toward Iran, following President Trump’s...

For Gaza’s suffering, blame Hamas

Predictably, the recent unrest on the border separating Israel and the Gaza Strip has given way to a banal debate over the “desperation” of the people of Gaza. There can...

It's time for a new Palestinian prez

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is under fire for anti-Semitic remarks in a speech on Monday. The octogenarian leader blamed the mass murder of Jews during the Holocaust on Jewish...

How Trump can repair the damage from Obama's narcoterror fail

The Obama White House systematically dismantled a top-secret government initiative called Project Cassandra, which was designed to target Hezbollah’s $1 billion in annual drug proceeds. The gripping story, by Politico’s...

Stand up against these terror groups to bolster the US- Egypt alliance

The Trump administration sent shock waves through Cairo last month when it denied Egypt almost $100 million in military and economic assistance. The Senate followed up by slashing military assistance...

Time for the US to stop Qatar's support for terror

Secretary of Defense James Mattis is on a Mideast tour to “continue efforts to strengthen regional security architectures.” While his meetings in Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Israel are likely to...