John Faso

About the Author

John Faso served in the House of Representatives from 2017 to 2019, representing New York’s 19th congressional district.

The Archive

Gerrymandering bid from NY Democrats now in top court's hands

The Court of Appeals must kill the latest gerrymandering bid from New York Democrats.

This federal Medicaid fix rights a decades-old New York wrong

Property taxes are killing upstate New York. While people and jobs flee, upstate districts such as mine in the Hudson Valley and Catskills are paying their hefty tabs with a...

Fake fix for NY pols

New Yorkers should be outraged by the latest examples of city and state politicians being accused of bribery. Having been a member of the Legislature for 16 years, I’ve always...

Wake up, NY

The news that the Empire State will lose two more seats in the US House of Representatives should be an urgent wakeup call to all New Yorkers, particularly our elected...

Beyond NY's gaps

LT. Gov. Dick Ravitch yester day outlined a five-year financial-recovery plan to plug the state's immediate $9 billion budget hole and address its looming $60 billion structural deficit over the...

The price of Chuck's ambitions

Sen. Chuck Schumer is sell ing his home state down the river in his quest to replace Sen. Harry Reid as Senate Majority Leader. But will anyone make him pay...

'Reform' landmines

The pension reform just rushed through the Legisla ture is a small step forward for our fiscally-challenged state -- but the "sweeteners" attached to it may yet prove to be...

NY's tax revolt

Tuesday saw a major tremor in the New York state politi cal landscape. Just a year after sweeping state and federal contests, Democrats were knocked back on their heels. Don't...


WALL Street firms' $18 billion in year-end bonuses sparked much outrage. But for New Yorkers, the real issue is that bonuses fell more than 40 percent from the year before,...


LIKE every New Yorker, I was amazed by the events that cul minated in Eliot Spitzer's resig nation as governor - saddened for his family and shocked to see a...