John Bolton

The Archive

Biden gave Iran yet another win by pressing Israel to go easy on the terrorist state

With Israel facing overwhelming pressure from President Biden, its Friday retaliation against Iran was an exercise in minimalism.

Biden's incoherent Israel approach only prolongs the conflict — and the Gaza suffering

President Biden’s dealings with Israel are increasingly incoherent.

As Iran-backed militias attack Americans, Biden tries to save Tehran terrorists

Many words describe President Biden’s Iran policy. “Craven,” “weak,” “obsequious” and “embarrassing,” among others, come readily to mind.

Face reality, 'democracy advocate' Biden: Taiwan is already independent

Given the threats William Lai’s incoming administration will face, it needs full support from its American friends and across the global West.

Biden risks American lives by refusing to hold Iran to account

President Biden said Wednesday that the terrorist group Hamas has decided to allow some US citizens to leave the Gaza Strip.

Appeaser in chief Biden doesn't understand Iran — and it's proven deadly

Joe Biden failed on Iran. From the Iranian $6 billion to the possible Israel-Hamas-Lebanon conflict to the Hamas murders themselves, the evidence is abundant and deadly.

Key national-security questions for GOP candidates at the first debate

It would be a huge misfortune and significant missed opportunity if national-security questions at Wednesday’s debate received inadequate attention. Let’s hope the candidates raise these issues even if the questioners...

Biden hurt America AND Israel in bashing Bibi's judicial reforms

For both America and Israel, President Joe Biden was wrong to intervene in the contentious debate over Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu’s proposed judicial reforms.

Biden's foolish rush to rejoin UNESCO has nothing to do with China

Demonstrating yet again that it’s little more than Barack Obama’s third term, the Biden White House is once more pressing to rejoin UNESCO.

Voters should blame Biden AND Trump for new Afghan terror risks

President Joe Biden’s announcement that he will seek a second term combined with Donald Trump’s surging effort to secure his third consecutive Republican nomination guarantee one thing for sure.

Putin-Xi summit should be a wakeup call on the worldwide threats facing America

The only good news that might emerge from the meeting is that Westerners who didn’t previously perceive the malign intentions of Russia and China will be awakened.

Biden's bonkers balloon bumbling: National security expert has MAJOR questions

We have barely scratched the surface on the Chinese balloons. The White House offered to brief senior Trump administration national-security officials about this issue — I have a long list...

This week's critical moment for Biden to act on China's threat

Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida comes to Washington this week for a potentially critical summit with President Joe Biden — particularly on China.

Biden must decide what 'victory' in Ukraine means — and if he'll do what it takes to win it

Without defining our objectives (and Ukraine’s), we will remain in today’s semi-coherent muddle, even as we enter what Ukraine’s defense minister calls a “new, long phase of the war.”

Biden gives Putin a win with his indefensible decision to deny Ukraine fighter jets

On Friday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said the war with Russia was at a “strategic turning point.” Unfortunately, America and NATO may have missed it. President Joe Biden’s decision to...

Gradual sanctions against Russia are a loser

The Biden administration's “graduated escalation” of sanctions is virtually certain to be less effective in inflicting economic hardship on Russia than a more robust effort.

Putin’s playing chess in Ukraine and Biden steps in as pawn

President Joe Biden's press conference did not impress many people especially with his response to Russia's possible invasion of Ukraine, NATO and economic sanctions.

How China uses the UN and WHO for its own nefarious ends

China’s everlasting control on the World Health Organization and United Nations will keep countries like Taiwan suppressed -- all while silencing any talks of the COVID-19 lab leak theory.

FDR's 'rattlesnake' rule & the North Korean threat

"When you see a rattlesnake poised to strike, you do not wait until he has struck before you crush him.” By these words in a Sept. 11, 1941, fireside chat,...

Asking China to 'fix' North Korea is a waste of time

American and South Korean officials have said for over a year that North Korea would be able, within a very short time, to miniaturize a nuclear device, mount it on...