Jillian Kay Melchior

The Archive

Ukraine deserves major praise for maritime wins, beating back Russia along Black Sea

Ukraine’s 2023 counteroffensive has disappointed many in the West who were hoping for breakthroughs like last year’s liberation of Kharkiv and Kherson.

The $15 disaster: Seattle's grim warning for NYC

The Fight for $15 has a history in New York — in 2012, hundreds of minimum-wage workers launched the movement by walking off their jobs to protest and demand a...

The Keystone pipeline is a plus for the environment

The Trump administration approved a permit for the controversial Keystone XL project Friday morning — a whopping 3,108 days after Trans-Canada first applied to the State Department to build the...

Minnesota football rape case emblematic of campus witch-hunt culture

After a college football coach dared to stand up for 10 black players’ legal rights, a mob of at least 3,000 has petitioned for the University of Minnesota’s president and...

Memo to college freshmen: Beware the PC trap

Dear Class of 2020, Best of luck as you enter the American university system. You’ll need it. You’re beginning your college career as the country deals with deep racial and...

The answer to Zika is obvious: Bring back DDT

The Zika virus outbreak makes it clearer than ever: It’s time to end the ban on DDT — a ban that was never sensible in the first place, but now...

Censoring the news isn't Facebook's only threat to democracy

Facebook’s denials that it routinely suppressed trending conservative news stories and reports from right-leaning media, as reported by Gizmodo, are lame, as are its supposed “rigorous guidelines” the company insists...

Americans are pissed off -- and that's a good thing

‘People are pissed,” reports Esquire after examining the results of its new survey, conducted along with NBC News. The study finds that roughly half of Americans are even angrier than...

The wise life lessons of 'America's Top Model'

My smizing eyes will likely tear up a little bit on Dec. 4, when “America’s Next Top Model” airs its final episode, drawing to a conclusion after 22 seasons. Smizing?...

Ukrainians are still alone in their heroic fight for freedom

"They said it would be easy — just go to Maidan [Square], hang out a little, and then go back,” a young protestor tells the camera in the first few...

Beyoncé v. Kendall: How the PC police would ruin the runway

September has long been the best month for fashion. It kicks off with the arrival of Vogue — this year’s mammoth issue clocks in at a glorious 832 pages —...

Hey, Boomers -- look in the mirror before you bash millennials

Pew Research Center reported this week that millennials are far more likely to get their news from social media than from local TV. Perhaps that’s because we’re carefully curating our...

Greens' ridiculous 'feminist' assault on fracking

Speaking at the University of Pittsburgh last month, green activist Sandra Steingraber declared fracking a “feminist issue” — and in nearly the same breath, declared that in the energy sector,...

Sharpton two-step: Dances with New York's taxman

Taxpayers across the country scrambled to file their returns this week, and many wrote checks to the government. Yet, when it comes to taxes, there’s one New York “celeb” who...

China's chancy cross crackdown

Chinese police attacked the Christians gathered outside of Wenzhou Salvation Church last month, beating them with electric batons. At least 14 and as many as 50 worshippers — some elderly...

Flight MH17 demonstrates Putin's way of business

The horrors of Flight 17 have taught the world that Vladimir Putin is happy to give his minions the means to shoot innocent life out of the sky — as...

Sanchez' good sense: Miss USA & self-defense

Miss USA Nia Sanchez has more pro-women sense than many a PC feminist. Asked about rape on campus, the beauty queen said, “I think more awareness is very important so...

The biggest myths about the crisis in Ukraine

On a cool evening, a 23-year-old girl approaches with a slight limp (the result of an injury at Maidan Square, she later says), asking for a light. When she realizes...

A union’s low blow to MMA fighters

With his swollen eye and bleeding face, Georges St-Pierre, the longest-reigning Ultimate Fighting Champion in history, looked defeated after five grueling rounds of combat. But to the shock of spectators...