Gerry Shields

The Archive

Foreigners leaving JFK, nation's other top airports to be fingerprinted as part of new immigration bill

WASHINGTON – The Senate Judiciary Committee today passed an amendment to the immigration reform bill that would require foreigners leaving the country to submit to fingerprinting in order to catch...

AP chief rips feds’ ‘abuse’

WASHINGTON — The head of The Associated Press lashed out yesterday at the Justice Department’s seizure of the news agency’s phone records, saying it is already having a chilling effect...

Prez’s poll surprise

WASHINGTON — Recent administration scandals aren’t hurting President Obama, who holds a 53 percent approval rating, according to a new poll.The CNN/ORC International survey, released yesterday, found that more than...

CBS vet slams IRS

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration is starting to resemble a slapstick comedy. Veteran CBS journalist Bob Schieffer ripped IRS employees who targeted Tea Party and conservative groups as “dumb and...

Aide goes on ‘O-ffensive’

WASHINGTON — White House senior adviser Dan Pfeiffer yesterday defended President Obama’s handling of the Sept. 11, 2012, Benghazi, Libya, consulate attack that killed four Americans, saying where his boss...

Prez talks diploma-cy

WASHINGTON — President Obama told 500 graduates at the historically black men’s Morehouse College in Atlanta to embrace their talents — but focus their attention on their roles as fathers....

Qaeda cut out in e-mail trail

WASHINGTON — The State Department and CIA scrambled to downplay the deadly Benghazi attack by removing references to al Qaeda and previous incidents in the region from administration “talking points,”...

GOP: Bam elected to deceive

WASHINGTON — Congressional Republicans swung back yesterday at President Obama for dismissing their probe into the Benghazi consulate attack as “a political circus” — claiming e-mails show the administration lied...

Kelly hailed over Haiti

WASHINGTON — The State Department yesterday gave Police Commissioner Ray Kelly an award for a program that sends Creole-speaking department police to Haiti to train its officers. Kelly received the...

O-pology demanded for IRS ‘Tea’ target

WASHINGTON — President Obama should personally apologize to the American people for the Internal Revenue Service’s targeting of conservative political groups for extra scrutiny, a Republican senator said yesterday. “The...

Mac attack on Hill

WASHINGTON — Sen. John McCain yesterday called the Obama administration’s response to the Benghazi, Libya, consulate attack a “coverup” that reached all the way to former Secretary of State Hillary...

Boston cops got no fed warning

WASHINGTON — Boston Police Commissioner Edward Davis told Congress yesterday that federal law-enforcement agencies failed to tell him of warnings by the Russian government two years ago about marathon bomber...

Gay path to citizenship draws ire

WASHINGTON — Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy is expected to introduce an amendment to immigration reform legislation next week that would extend rights to same-sex couples — a move...

Bombing’s toll in immig poll

WASHINGTON — A new poll shows a slip in support for legislation that would create a path to citizenship for 11 million illegal immigrants. A little over half of the...

Pro-gun senators take heat

WASHINGTON — A new poll shows serious political backlash against five senators who recently voted against expanding gun-background checks. Public Policy Polling found voters less likely to support the senators...

Congress members demand investigation into Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s trip to Russia and his mother

WASHINGTON — Lawmakers yesterday demanded to know whether slain Boston Marathon terrorist Tamerlan Tsarnaev got overseas training and what role his jihad-loving mom played in developing his murderous beliefs. Focus...

Arms-bill sponsor reloads

WASHINGTON — The co-sponsor of a failed Senate measure to expand federal background checks for gun sales said yesterday that he plans to bring it up again. “The only thing...

New nod to head Transport

WASHINGTON — President Obama is expected to announce today that he will pick Charlotte, NC, Mayor Anthony Foxx as his next transportation secretary, a White House official said. Foxx, 41,...

They’re all prez-ent

WASHINGTON — Political divisions of years past were set aside yesterday as the nation’s most august group — five US presidents — gathered in Dallas to dedicate the George W....

Delayed travelers livid at budget-cut buffoons’ air farce

WASHINGTON — Airline travelers delayed yesterday because of federal budget cuts were quick to put the blame squarely on leaders in Washington who couldn’t solve the nation’s budget crisis. “I’m...