Gerry Shields

The Archive

IRS critics: ‘Trek’ dreck

WASHINGTON — House lawmakers yesterday lit into an IRS commissioner who played Mr. Spock in a $50,000 agency “Star Trek” video.The committee bashed Faris Fink over a $4.1 million 2010...

Immigrant push hits GOP bump

WASHINGTON — The push for immigration reform is running into some Republican resistance.One of the GOP authors of Senate legislation that would create a “pathway to citizenship” for 11 million...

Brass on Gilly’s hot seat

WASHINGTON — New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand grilled the nation’s top military leaders yesterday over an alarming increase of sexual assaults reported by the armed forces, complaining that some commanders...

Picture of IRS waste

WASHINGTON — The already reeling IRS got whacked again yesterday when a scathing report found it spent $17,000 to hire an artist to paint pictures of Michael Jordan and Bono...

Tea Party DC tempest

WASHINGTON — A Tea Party organizer choked back tears yesterday while claiming her group was unfairly targeted by the Internal Revenue Service because of its conservative beliefs. “This is a...

New boss vows: I’ll clean IRS

WASHINGTON — The new IRS commissioner yesterday pledged to lawmakers that he will clean house and find out why the agency targeted Tea Party and other conservative groups. “It’s completely...

Long Island Rep. McCarthy has lung cancer

WASHINGTON — Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-LI), one of the leading advocates in Congress for stricter gun control, revealed yesterday that she has lung cancer. McCarthy, 69, said the disease is...

Holder told: You got some explaining to do

WASHINGTON — House Republicans yesterday kept up the pressure on US Attorney General Eric Holder, as they pursue an investigation into whether he lied to Congress last month by claiming...

GOP big: DC OK’d ‘Tea’ snub

WASHINGTON — Interviews with two IRS agents involved in targeting Tea Party groups for extra scrutiny show the agents likely got their marching orders from Washington, a powerful House committee...

Immig-bill vow

WASHINGTON — Sen. Charles Schumer predicted yesterday that sweeping immigration reform would pass the Senate by July 4 — while action in the House remains clouded. The Senate will begin...

GOP wants Libya docs

WASHINGTON — The Republican National Committee fired a salvo at the Obama administration yesterday, demanding documents to determine whether the president’s re-election campaign had any contact with federal officials over...

Our teeming shore

WASHINGTON — New York state would have about 548,000 illegal immigrants applying for the path to citizenship under the Senate immigration-reform bill — the third-highest group in the country, according...

Chasing Benghazi ‘talking points’ info

WASHINGTON — The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee yesterday issued a subpoena to the State Department seeking more information about controversial “talking points” crafted in the wake of the...

A walk through hell: Obama tours devastation after Oklahoma tornado

A somber President Obama toured the wreckage of tornado-ravaged Moore, Okla., yesterday, walking past piles of rubble and debris that were once part of a tidy suburb. Six days after...

O ‘naive’ on terror: foes

WASHINGTON — Republicans yesterday bashed President Obama in the wake of his counterterrorism speech — calling him everything from “tone-deaf” to “breathtakingly naive.”In his address last week, Obama called for...

SI rep. blasts Sandy $$ wait

Rep. Michael Grimm (R-SI) said yesterday that the recovery after Hurricane Sandy is only “just starting.” Federal funds have only recently started trickling in, he said on CNN’s “State of...

US has IDs of B’ghazi ‘killers’

WASHINGTON — US officials have identified five men they believe were behind the September consulate attack in Benghazi, Libya, that killed four Americans, but have yet to apprehend them. Officials...

Immig bill wins panel OK

WASHINGTON — The Senate Judiciary Committee approved sending the immigration bill to the full Senate yesterday after Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) withdrew his amendment, which would have allowed gay Americans...

Pols: Fingerprint traveling illegals

WASHINGTON — A key Senate panel yesterday passed an amendment to the immigration-reform bill that would require foreigners leaving the country to submit to fingerprinting in order to catch those...

‘Furious’ slam at Justice

WASHINGTON — A US attorney violated Justice Department policy by leaking information to the media to retaliate against a federal agent who helped expose the department’s botched federal “Fast and...